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Time to consider permanent partition

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Time to consider permanent partition

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:53 pm


Recent letters regarding the possibility of partition of Cyprus into two separate states have made valid arguments for this. Most Greek and Turkish Cypriots would prefer partition rather than co-existence, given their historical animosity and mistrust towards one another. I do not think both communities can go back to the way things were prior to 1974.

But if partition is ever cemented, there needs to be serious dialogue. What are the two states going to be called, South and North Cyprus or will there be two new names or do we simply keep the current model of Republic of Cyprus (Greek controlled) and TRNC in the North. This needs serious discussion.

There will need to be some land adjustments and compensation settlements for both communities who are now on different sides of the borders. This can work, and one only has to look at the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean, where there are two states, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. I believe that the Annan plan is dead in the water and so is the concept of a bizonal federation.

It is time to consider permanent partition and I believe this is what Mr Papadopoulos and Mr Talat and most Cypriots want. No more wasting time and effort on useless talks of co-existence that have gotten nowhere since 1974. Both communities are better off without each other.

Simon Salaras,
Melbourne, Australia

The momentum will increase over the coming years, I said that after the referendum which was the last shot at unification this would happen. Everyone is pissed off with both sides constany whining especially the GCs who claim to be European yet have done absolutely nothing to provide a replacement plan in the past 3 years.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:01 pm

You have no idea how strong the anti-partition mechanism is VP and there is no Simon Salaras or Telly Savalas that can do anything about it. Start practicing your Greek because assimilation is nearing...
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:12 pm

Get Real! wrote:You have no idea how strong the anti-partition mechanism is VP and there is no Simon Salaras or Telly Savalas that can do anything about it. Start practicing your Greek because assimilation is nearing...

Dont hold your breath might kill you :lol:
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Postby paliometoxo » Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:08 am

hess saying our leader wants parition?LOL whats that australien guy smoking
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:58 pm

The TC's make me laugh. Why should we the GC's accept partition just because that's what they desire. Give us back 20% of the 39% you currently illegally occupy and compensate the rest of us then we may grant you what you wish. It's funny how they have all of a sudden started saying partition is the only option.

Paps was right to say OXI to the annan plan as turks cant be trusted. Do they think we will just roll over and let them have our land and compensate the traitors which have land in the south. Do they think we are that stupid.

I regard myself as a moderate and have always believed that we could live side by side. But you get the idiots on this site that make me wonder weather that is possible.

They keep harping on about the 60's about how we tried to wipe them out. Read the history. Who sided with the british in the 50's. You were their lacky's betraying your countrymen. What did you expect we would just forgive you.

Until you have paid for what you have done to our country you will never get what you want. Hope you all contiue to suffer in isolation. You call yourself's Cypriots. As far as I'm concerned your turks. I'm disgusted with the majority of TC's on this forum.

Do you really believe that GC's will persicute you if we did return to the pre 1974 status. A country that's in the EU and has signed up to all the Human Rights treaties.
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Postby Eric dayi » Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:You have no idea how strong the anti-partition mechanism is VP and there is no Simon Salaras or Telly Savalas that can do anything about it. Start practicing your Greek because assimilation is nearing...

Is that the EOKA rearing it's ugly head once again disguised as "Cypriots" to try and turn Cyprus into a Greek country?

You are only kidding yourself GR, not even little kids believe a word that dribbles out of your gob.

Buy yourself a new calculator and when you see the real figures it'll put tears in your eyes.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:18 pm

Do you really believe that GC's will persicute you if we did return to the pre 1974 status. A country that's in the EU and has signed up to all the Human Rights treaties.

So, according to George if you put a racing saddle on a donkey it becomes a racing horse.

George oh George, being in the EU changes Jack shit. You are still an aggressive race with nothing but hatred for the TCs. You would exterminate us at the drop of a hat. EU my arse :roll:
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Postby Eric dayi » Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:47 pm

GeorgeV97qaue wrote:Do you really believe that GC's will persicute you if we did return to the pre 1974 status. A country that's in the EU and has signed up to all the Human Rights treaties.

Do you mean the pre 1974 status where us TCs were living in enclaves in 3% of Cyprus under embargoes where we were not even allowed to get medication for our ill people?

You would love that wouldn't you?

Do I need to to tell you where to stick that idea?
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Postby DT. » Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:53 pm

Eric dayi wrote:
GeorgeV97qaue wrote:Do you really believe that GC's will persicute you if we did return to the pre 1974 status. A country that's in the EU and has signed up to all the Human Rights treaties.

Do you mean the pre 1974 status where us TCs were living in enclaves in 3% of Cyprus under embargoes where we were not even allowed to get medication for our ill people?

You would love that wouldn't you?

Do I need to to tell you where to stick that idea?

Eric can you prove they lived on 3% cause I can prove they didn't. Wanna play?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:55 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
Do you really believe that GC's will persicute you if we did return to the pre 1974 status. A country that's in the EU and has signed up to all the Human Rights treaties.

So, according to George if you put a racing saddle on a donkey it becomes a racing horse.

George oh George, being in the EU changes Jack shit. You are still an aggressive race with nothing but hatred for the TCs. You would exterminate us at the drop of a hat. EU my arse :roll:

So if it's nothing but hatred why did you go to the meetings with GCs?

And who would exterminate you Mrfomng?
a)The younger generation that plays war games on computers?
b)The older generation who suffer all the consequences of 74 and spent most of our lives abroad to survive? or
c)The Eokas and the TMTs who if they are not already dead they are now eating only soups at night, and walking with sticks.

The truth is yes there is bitterness on both sides but once the SOURCE of bitterness is removed and everybody gets his rights, then I don't see any danger for anyone.
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