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Time to consider permanent partition

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:13 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote: The Annan plan was perhaps not the most well balanced and you may have valid reasons for rejecting it. Your community not only rejected the "plan" they clearly rejected the TCs too. This was clear for the world to see.

And what evidence do you have to cite in order to back up this claim, outside the distorting slogans that your leadership has been "spoon feeding" your imagination with? Oh, I almost forgot it, you saw on TV some Greek Cypriots celebrating!

Anybody who watched news channels outside of the RoC would have seen this. I have no reason to lie. Kids of 7-8-9-10, middle aged and the elderly they all said it loud and clear "WE WILL VOTE NO BECAUSE WE DON WANT TO LIVE WITH TURKS" These words were heard on BBC, ITV, CH4 and FIVE, CNN, FOX, EURONEWS and many more.

TC ex President Denktas at that time also wanted a NO vote on the AP.

Did he also not wanted to live with the TC's, or was that point only reserved for the GC's.

Do you also curse Denktas for his NO vote on the AP as you do with others.

Of course, Denktas had a good reason to vote NO on the AP, since he was and still is sitting on 30,000 Donüms of GC land that he did not want to be taken away from him.
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Postby Kifeas » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:17 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote: The Annan plan was perhaps not the most well balanced and you may have valid reasons for rejecting it. Your community not only rejected the "plan" they clearly rejected the TCs too. This was clear for the world to see.

And what evidence do you have to cite in order to back up this claim, outside the distorting slogans that your leadership has been "spoon feeding" your imagination with? Oh, I almost forgot it, you saw on TV some Greek Cypriots celebrating!

Anybody who watched news channels outside of the RoC would have seen this. I have no reason to lie. Kids of 7-8-9-10, middle aged and the elderly they all said it loud and clear "WE WILL VOTE NO BECAUSE WE DON WANT TO LIVE WITH TURKS" These words were heard on BBC, ITV, CH4 and FIVE, CNN, FOX, EURONEWS and many more.

Oh, I see now! That is why “youtube” has gone so slow lately! I am now sure it is because you TCs have kept it busy with uploading all these "hundreds of video clips" from "BBC, ITV, CH4 and FIVE, CNN, FOX, EURONEWS and many more," showing to the world all the evidence of GC "Kids of 7-8-9-10, middle aged and the elderly," all shouting in one breath ""WE WILL VOTE NO BECAUSE WE DON WANT TO LIVE WITH TURKS!" I see now! Can you at least point those links to us, because I keep searching "youtube," but nothing comes up! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:19 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Piratis wrote:
For the sake of reconciliation if I said the root of the problem was indeed minority of fanatics on both sides but there were perhaps a few too many fanatics on your side, would this be acceptable by you? Or would you want a 50-50 share of the blame?

The Turks have 99% of the blame, but we are willing to forgive you and let the past behind for the sake of a better future without illegalities and human rights violations, where every Cypriot will be equal without any racist discriminations. Are you willing to forgive us that 1% as well, or you want to continue exaggerating it and using it as an excuse to continue with yet more crimes against us?

KIKAPU will answer this Piratis. Take it away golden balls.

I also demand that MR-from-NG gets on his knees, begs, and relinquishes his Mastercard… 8)

:lol: :lol: :lol: Come on GR, Piratis has raised the stakes at 99%. Do I hear 100%?

Lets all join in the "blame game". So my dear friend GR, what percentage of the blame do you put on my community? 8) 8)

Here are the votes of the GR jury...

Turkey 40% (For repeatedly violating Cyprus for the last 400 years)
Greece 30% (For replacing the Cypriot inheritance with their own)
Britain 20% (For being the arseholes of the 20th century)
GCs 5% (For believing in Greece)
TCs 5% (For believing in Turkey)
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:19 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Piratis wrote:
For the sake of reconciliation if I said the root of the problem was indeed minority of fanatics on both sides but there were perhaps a few too many fanatics on your side, would this be acceptable by you? Or would you want a 50-50 share of the blame?

The Turks have 99% of the blame, but we are willing to forgive you and let the past behind for the sake of a better future without illegalities and human rights violations, where every Cypriot will be equal without any racist discriminations. Are you willing to forgive us that 1% as well, or you want to continue exaggerating it and using it as an excuse to continue with yet more crimes against us?

KIKAPU will answer this Piratis. Take it away golden balls.

Give your answer to piraits first please. You were so keen to get your 2 cents worth about the percentage of blame. Lets see your comments on Piratis' GOLDENBALLS.
Last edited by MR-from-NG on Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby zan » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:19 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
zan wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote: The Annan plan was perhaps not the most well balanced and you may have valid reasons for rejecting it. Your community not only rejected the "plan" they clearly rejected the TCs too. This was clear for the world to see.

And what evidence do you have to cite in order to back up this claim, outside the distorting slogans that your leadership has been "spoon feeding" your imagination with? Oh, I almost forgot it, you saw on TV some Greek Cypriots celebrating!

Anybody who watched news channels outside of the RoC would have seen this. I have no reason to lie. Kids of 7-8-9-10, middle aged and the elderly they all said it loud and clear "WE WILL VOTE NO BECAUSE WE DON WANT TO LIVE WITH TURKS" These words were heard on BBC, ITV, CH4 and FIVE, CNN, FOX, EURONEWS and many more.

Don't be so silly kardesim.......Every GC read and, most importantly, understood every word and political decision in the Annan Plan and voted accordingly....Masallah! These people are clever....... :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Zan, I would guess no more than 10% knew or understood the contents of the plan. They voted purely from the heart. they did it from the heart and their heart told them "vote NO, these are Turks, why would you want to live with Turks. Fuck them they are sub-human, scum Turks, vote NO"

The words on GRs and TPaps manifesto :wink: :wink: :lol:

I think you are being a little too generous with your 10% also...The most probably didn't give a shit until the crying clown made his little plea....
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:24 am

zan wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote: The Annan plan was perhaps not the most well balanced and you may have valid reasons for rejecting it. Your community not only rejected the "plan" they clearly rejected the TCs too. This was clear for the world to see.

And what evidence do you have to cite in order to back up this claim, outside the distorting slogans that your leadership has been "spoon feeding" your imagination with? Oh, I almost forgot it, you saw on TV some Greek Cypriots celebrating!

Anybody who watched news channels outside of the RoC would have seen this. I have no reason to lie. Kids of 7-8-9-10, middle aged and the elderly they all said it loud and clear "WE WILL VOTE NO BECAUSE WE DON WANT TO LIVE WITH TURKS" These words were heard on BBC, ITV, CH4 and FIVE, CNN, FOX, EURONEWS and many more.

Don't be so silly kardesim.......Every GC read and, most importantly, understood every word and political decision in the Annan Plan and voted accordingly....Masallah! These people are clever....... :lol: :lol:

It has since been determined that the only GC crazy enough to have read the 9,000 page report was Kifeas! :lol:
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Postby Eric dayi » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:24 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote: The Annan plan was perhaps not the most well balanced and you may have valid reasons for rejecting it. Your community not only rejected the "plan" they clearly rejected the TCs too. This was clear for the world to see.

And what evidence do you have to cite in order to back up this claim, outside the distorting slogans that your leadership has been "spoon feeding" your imagination with? Oh, I almost forgot it, you saw on TV some Greek Cypriots celebrating!

Anybody who watched news channels outside of the RoC would have seen this. I have no reason to lie. Kids of 7-8-9-10, middle aged and the elderly they all said it loud and clear "WE WILL VOTE NO BECAUSE WE DON WANT TO LIVE WITH TURKS" These words were heard on BBC, ITV, CH4 and FIVE, CNN, FOX, EURONEWS and many more.

No need to hear the words MR-from_NG, the photos below speak thousand words.....each.

Image Image

Note for the benefit of readers who don't know why the Greek Cypriots voted "OXI"

Please note the Greek flags carried by Greek Cypriots at the Anan Plan referendum, it tells you the real reason why they voted "OXI".
Last edited by Eric dayi on Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:25 am

Get Real! wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Piratis wrote:
For the sake of reconciliation if I said the root of the problem was indeed minority of fanatics on both sides but there were perhaps a few too many fanatics on your side, would this be acceptable by you? Or would you want a 50-50 share of the blame?

The Turks have 99% of the blame, but we are willing to forgive you and let the past behind for the sake of a better future without illegalities and human rights violations, where every Cypriot will be equal without any racist discriminations. Are you willing to forgive us that 1% as well, or you want to continue exaggerating it and using it as an excuse to continue with yet more crimes against us?

KIKAPU will answer this Piratis. Take it away golden balls.

I also demand that MR-from-NG gets on his knees, begs, and relinquishes his Mastercard… 8)

:lol: :lol: :lol: Come on GR, Piratis has raised the stakes at 99%. Do I hear 100%?

Lets all join in the "blame game". So my dear friend GR, what percentage of the blame do you put on my community? 8) 8)

Here are the votes of the GR jury...

Turkey 40% (For repeatedly violating Cyprus for the last 400 years)
Greece 30% (For replacing the Cypriot inheritance with their own)
Britain 20% (For being the arseholes of the 20th century)
GCs 5% (For believing in Greece)
TCs 5% (For believing in Turkey)

An answer to be expected from a career diplomat, I'm impressed but not convinced :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:30 am

Eric dayi wrote:Please note the Greek flags carried by Greek Cypriots at the Anan Plan referendum, it tells you the real reason why they voted "OXI".

:shock: For the love of God... don't tell me it's ENOSIS...
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Postby zan » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:31 am

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote: The Annan plan was perhaps not the most well balanced and you may have valid reasons for rejecting it. Your community not only rejected the "plan" they clearly rejected the TCs too. This was clear for the world to see.

And what evidence do you have to cite in order to back up this claim, outside the distorting slogans that your leadership has been "spoon feeding" your imagination with? Oh, I almost forgot it, you saw on TV some Greek Cypriots celebrating!

Anybody who watched news channels outside of the RoC would have seen this. I have no reason to lie. Kids of 7-8-9-10, middle aged and the elderly they all said it loud and clear "WE WILL VOTE NO BECAUSE WE DON WANT TO LIVE WITH TURKS" These words were heard on BBC, ITV, CH4 and FIVE, CNN, FOX, EURONEWS and many more.

Don't be so silly kardesim.......Every GC read and, most importantly, understood every word and political decision in the Annan Plan and voted accordingly....Masallah! These people are clever....... :lol: :lol:

It has since been determined that the only GC crazy enough to have read the 9,000 page report was Kifeas! :lol:

I notice that you did not mention as to whether he understood it or not??? :?
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