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Time to consider permanent partition

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:29 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:But was it one week before the referendum??? The NO vote started from while they were having talks at Lucerne and Burgenstock. 31 March we had the anan plan 1st of April there was a NO everywhere. It was not rejection living with Tcs my friend. The vast majority voted no because the plan was bad for the Gcs in every aspect you can imagine, properties, return of refugees, power sharing, security, almost all settlers staying, guarantees for implementation, human rights, "disguised partition", economically we would get bankrupt etc etc. Living together with the Tcs was perhaps the last thing anyone worried about.

No. I was in Cyprus about a week before the referendum. I was in England at the time of the referendum.

Point taken but show me one person that can take rejection with a smile. It hurts like hell.
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Postby humanist » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:32 pm

Phoenix is a misguided , rather arrogant young man , but one thing he is not is NOT representative of the majority of Greek Cypriots any more than Eric daye is of the T/Cs.

According to Murataga, eric is very much a representative of the view TC's hold. Have you seen any TC try to shut him/her up?

I don;t think any of us really representatives of Cypriot viewpoint, We are mere individuals expressing our views. However, some are more broadly shared than others.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:33 pm

Phoenix for a female that you claim you are you curse too much. And of course you always curse the TCs in general at least pick up the ones who deserve it like Eric Dayi.

Sotos like I said you are always very provocative and you call the TCs Turks all the time. I too I am bitter for losing my properties, but you have to see also the other side of the coin.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:33 pm

Pyrp, no word of a lie. I was in Cyprus a week before the referendum, my cousins and friends were so excited with the prospect of a unified island, they were ecstatic.

If your cousins wanted a unified island they would just stop the illegalities and allow Cyprus to be re-unified again. On the contrary they insist on their illegal occupation trying to blackmail us to accept their own terms.

Your cousins where not "excited with the prospect of a unified island", they were excited for the prospect of finally legalizing partition in a loose association with the rest of Cyprus, with the added benefit of instant EU accession and a lot of financial support.

On the day of the referendum I was channel surfing like a man possessed. BBC, ITV, Ch4, Five Sky, CNN, Euronews the list can go on and on. I swear it brought tears to my eyes seeing kids and elderly GCs rejecting the idea of sharing Cyprus with TCs.

Of course Greek Cypriots rejected partition. What did you expect?

The Annan plan would grand to the TC minority of 18%, the 29% of Cyprus, and 50% of power share.

This is why the plan was rejected. Sharing yes, but the share should be proportional, don't you agree Mrfromng?

Or maybe you would accept to share Cyprus regardless of what your share will be? I don't think so. You accepted Annan plan because it gave you a lot more than your fair share, on our loss. If for example the Annan plan gave you 9% of land and 10% of power, would you accept it?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:37 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:But was it one week before the referendum??? The NO vote started from while they were having talks at Lucerne and Burgenstock. 31 March we had the anan plan 1st of April there was a NO everywhere. It was not rejection living with Tcs my friend. The vast majority voted no because the plan was bad for the Gcs in every aspect you can imagine, properties, return of refugees, power sharing, security, almost all settlers staying, guarantees for implementation, human rights, "disguised partition", economically we would get bankrupt etc etc. Living together with the Tcs was perhaps the last thing anyone worried about.

No. I was in Cyprus about a week before the referendum. I was in England at the time of the referendum.

Point taken but show me one person that can take rejection with a smile. It hurts like hell.

It hurts I know. I understand perfectly why it was translated as "rejection" by the average TC. I would feel the same if I were a TC.
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Postby Eric dayi » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:38 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Mrfromng it seems Eric has attracted a lot of fanatics in here, that blur every logical response. I can understand you are a bit out of temper....

So pyro, are you saying that there were no arguments in this forum before I started to post here again and everything was roses and you lot nearly had the CypProp solved? GCs are really very quick to always put the blame on everyone else but yourselves.

Pyro, this forum does not need me to bring out the fanatics, you've been here a lot longer than me, ain't ya?
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Postby Piratis » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:42 pm

For the sake of reconciliation if I said the root of the problem was indeed minority of fanatics on both sides but there were perhaps a few too many fanatics on your side, would this be acceptable by you? Or would you want a 50-50 share of the blame?

The Turks have 99% of the blame, but we are willing to forgive you and let the past behind for the sake of a better future without illegalities and human rights violations, where every Cypriot will be equal without any racist discriminations. Are you willing to forgive us that 1% as well, or you want to continue exaggerating it and using it as an excuse to continue with yet more crimes against us?
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Postby Eric dayi » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:55 pm

miltiades wrote:And stop calling the TCs Tuks.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

errrrmmm....let us all get this straight miltiades, I am a Turkish Cypriot and when I say I am a Turkish Cypriot you call me a Turk and a "foreigner" and now you come out with this?

does "miltiades" mean "hypocrite" in Greek?

Man you are always provoking.

The "Man" is a she sock-puppet and yes, she is provoking but not any more or less than you are.
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Postby phoenix » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:55 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Phoenix for a female that you claim you are you curse too much. And of course you always curse the TCs in general at least pick up the ones who deserve it like Eric Dayi.

Sotos like I said you are always very provocative and you call the TCs Turks all the time. I too I am bitter for losing my properties, but you have to see also the other side of the coin.

Thank you for your sexist observation that for a female I curse too much. One rule for the men and another for the women is it?

As it so happens I do not usually swear . . you seem to be full of generilizations.

I have sworn but as far as I recall only directly at Eric because he was WAY out of order on a personal sentiment.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:56 pm

Eric dayi wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Mrfromng it seems Eric has attracted a lot of fanatics in here, that blur every logical response. I can understand you are a bit out of temper....

So pyro, are you saying that there were no arguments in this forum before I started to post here again and everything was roses and you lot nearly had the CypProp solved? GCs are really very quick to always put the blame on everyone else but yourselves.

Pyro, this forum does not need me to bring out the fanatics, you've been here a lot longer than me, ain't ya?

What i said was that, by the day you appeared in here you have attracted a lot of fanatics. Judgement level has dropped, and discussions fell to your idiotic level of picking up words just to make spastic comments.

Hey man, don't worry I can fix you, but you bore me like hell.

Btw nobody ever called me a fanatic so far, and you are WRONG AS ALWAYS I have not been in this forum longer than you. :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:
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