Pyrpolizer wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Mrfromng,
So if there is no problem on individual basis between the Gcs+TCs, then how on individual basis the Gcs consider you sub-humans? I think there is a basic contradiction in what you said, to start with.
Lets start from the things we agree: That on individual basis there are no problems between GCs&TCs as long as they are all law abiding citizens. Now take all those GC people and all those TC people who have absolutely no problem with each other, join them together and call them GC and Tc community respectively. It is true over some periods of our history those 2 communities had problems.

Come on Pyrp, please no word games. How can one sit at a lunch date and think of his/her companion as sub-human. I seriously am concerned that the majority of the GC community do in fact think of us as sub-human. My mind keeps going back to the day of the referendum and the images on every news channel with kids of 7 to the elderly of 70 all saying "we don't like Turks, we don't want to live with them". Man that was painful.
Another perfect example of our differences, you think we are the root of the problem. We think the exact same thing about you. Clear indication that we are dooooooomed. F***ED

Mrfromng it seems Eric has attracted a lot of fanatics in here, that blur every logical response. I can understand you are a bit out of temper....
I ABSOLUTELY did not mean YOU are the root of the problem. I was just trying to drag you in a dialectic sort of discussion for both of us to spot the root of the problem.
Anyway let me say it first. The root of the problem was always a few fanatics among the communities.
Btw I live here my friend and I swear I have not seen any kids or elderly anywhere during the referendum saying we don't like Turks.
You have been watching FABRICATED news. The "fight" during the referendum was either for the YES or NO, and it was mostly public debates on TVs.
Pyrp, no word of a lie. I was in Cyprus a week before the referendum, my cousins and friends were so excited with the prospect of a unified island, they were ecstatic. In all honesty I never shared their enthusiasm as I truly believed it would be resounding NO from the GCs. My assumption was not based on what I had read about the Annan plan, it was purely a gut feeling.
On my return to the UK all I ever did was to call friends and relatives for updates on the upcoming referendum as well as watching every news channel and anything I could find on line.
On the day of the referendum I was channel surfing like a man possessed. BBC, ITV, Ch4, Five Sky, CNN, Euronews the list can go on and on. I swear it brought tears to my eyes seeing kids and elderly GCs rejecting the idea of sharing Cyprus with TCs.
I wish I could find the footage on the archives of these channels and put it on You-Tube for you to see. It was heartbreaking, rejection is a terrible feeling at the best of times but to hear kids with heir broken English telling the whole world they do not like TCs and don't want them was painful.
Perhaps others(GC & TC) that watched these news channels can verify this.