MR-from-NG wrote:phoenix wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:Sotos wrote:The problem we have is obviously getting along harmoniously as 2 separate communities. Lets be honest, our history dictates that we will have these problems as long as we are in existence.
I agree. The problems started when Turks invaded Cyprus in 1571 and they never ended. The Turks like the Israelis do with the Palestinians occupy our island and violate our human rights. The problem will be solved when the Turks leave from our island and allow us to live free in our country!
Sotos, you know that's not gonna happen so how about some sensible input from you. TCs are here now and will be in the future, they are real and should be treated as such. It is the likes of you that are the root of the problem, not 1571. These dates are now insignificant. Get over it will you.
As Sotos said Turks invaded 1571 and that never ended . . . and then we had a re-invasion in 1974 and that date is not INSIGNIFICANT . . . and we will not GET OVER IT until turkey leaves Cyprus alone!
And going back in time is going to achieve what? If that's the way you feel Phoenix then go and find somebody from the Ottoman Empire take this matter up with them.
How on earth can we go forward if we keep going back and back in time. You guys have to come to terms and learn to let go. Your obsession with the Ottomans is at such unhealthy extremes its unbelievable.
Oooohhh really! It was the Ottomans that invaded in 1974 was it MR-from-NG

I suppose you are just agreeing with me when I say a Turk by any other name is still just a Turk be it 1571 or 1974