Pyrpolizer wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:Do you really believe that GC's will persicute you if we did return to the pre 1974 status. A country that's in the EU and has signed up to all the Human Rights treaties.
So, according to George if you put a racing saddle on a donkey it becomes a racing horse.
George oh George, being in the EU changes Jack shit. You are still an aggressive race with nothing but hatred for the TCs. You would exterminate us at the drop of a hat. EU my arse
So if it's nothing but hatred why did you go to the meetings with GCs?
And who would exterminate you Mrfomng?
a)The younger generation that plays war games on computers?
b)The older generation who suffer all the consequences of 74 and spent most of our lives abroad to survive? or
c)The Eokas and the TMTs who if they are not already dead they are now eating only soups at night, and walking with sticks.
The truth is yes there is bitterness on both sides but once the SOURCE of bitterness is removed and everybody gets his rights, then I don't see any danger for anyone.
It was a pleasure to meet GR, DT, Bananiot and TC forum members for lunch. I would do it again if the opportunity presented itself.
I have always said that we do not have any problems on individual basis. I would happily live side by side with my distant cousins. These cousins would have to be law abiding, have respect for their fellow man and free of all things evil.
The problem we have is obviously getting along harmoniously as 2 separate communities. Lets be honest, our history dictates that we will have these problems as long as we are in existence.
Some examples; To you a president to us a terrorist, a murderer and a Turk hater. 20th of July, for us a day of celebration to you a day of invasion and ethnic cleansing. Turkey, to us, our big brother, our saviour and guardian, without them we probably wouldn't exist. Turkey and Turks to you are your life long enemy and you hate them with a passion.
The 1960 constitution and what followed proved without a shadow of a doubt that you do not consider us as equal, and we are not worthy of sharing power with you, I honestly believe you think of us as the Israelis think of the Palestinians, sub human.

The yes vote at the referendum was an extended hand from my community for peace and reconciliation on which you spat. You lied and cheated your way into the EU with total disregard for the TC community.
Pyrp the list is endless. I cannot hold GR, DT or Bananiot responsible for our countries history, they are individuals and just like me they are victims of circumstances. I hold no grudge against them and I hope they think the same about me and my fellow TCs.