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Time to consider permanent partition

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:15 am

Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:Please note the Greek flags carried by Greek Cypriots at the Anan Plan referendum, it tells you the real reason why they voted "OXI".

:shock: For the love of God... don't tell me it's ENOSIS...

Go on GR, tell us why "Cypriots" would carry a foreign flag then.

Who is more qualified to answer that question Dayi? :?

Me or you?

The photos say it all GR but you are the one who is trying to dispute it so go ahead and tell us.

I don't believe this guy! He carries the Turkish flag around and asks me why some Cypriots carry foreign flags! Image

You keep calling the Greek flag foreign because you claim you are a "True Cypriot" and you still say it's ok to carry the Greek flag and expect us TCs to believe you don't want ENOSIS?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:shock: When and where did I say that it's ok to carry/hoist the Greek flag? Take a good look at my avatar Dayi and that should solve your queries and while you're at it take a look at yours!
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Postby Piratis » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:16 am

I agree with my GC friends that the plan was not a well balanced one and understand their reason for voting OXI

My argument is that more than the plan it was the TC community that was rejected.

You are contradicting yourself.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:19 am

zan wrote:

If they did not know what was in the Annan Plan then how would they know it would have been all good for them Kiks??? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel....(Nautical term for you). Yes they were excited about being in the EU and that was about that. They really thought that unification and the return to normal was going to happen so you not knowing anything about it and slandering the TC people is an absolute shame on you :evil: :evil: :evil: You have defended that butcher Makarios but you can sit there and denigrate all the TCs without a single bit of guilt...What a sad case you really are. Where was you Tpap when all the negotiations wee happening and why did he double cross the UN and the EU.......They ae pissed off at him for that so what does that tell you Einstein??? :roll: :roll:

Once again you are trying to divert attention by bringing Makarios into the picture. How did I defend him by the way.??

I already answered your question on my previous post as to "who knew what and when". There's no shame in that the TC's said "Yes", because they were told it was good for them, which it was, so they were not lied to by their leaders, and the same for the GC's, that they were told it was bad for them, and it was, so no one lied there either. Rather than blaming the TC's or the GC's, which I'm not doing neither, unlike most of you on this forum, but I rather blame a bad peace plan that was too complicated and too unworkable. It was welcome to 1960 Constitution, all over again.
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Postby Eric dayi » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:21 am

Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:Please note the Greek flags carried by Greek Cypriots at the Anan Plan referendum, it tells you the real reason why they voted "OXI".

:shock: For the love of God... don't tell me it's ENOSIS...

Go on GR, tell us why "Cypriots" would carry a foreign flag then.

Who is more qualified to answer that question Dayi? :?

Me or you?

The photos say it all GR but you are the one who is trying to dispute it so go ahead and tell us.

I don't believe this guy! He carries the Turkish flag around and asks me why some Cypriots carry foreign flags! Image

You keep calling the Greek flag foreign because you claim you are a "True Cypriot" and you still say it's ok to carry the Greek flag and expect us TCs to believe you don't want ENOSIS?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:shock: When and where did I say that it's ok to carry/hoist the Greek flag? Take a good look at my avatar Dayi and that should solve your queries and while you're at it take a look at yours!

You are going round in circles trying to worm your way out GR, why were the GCs carrying the Greek flag if as you claim they are "Cypriots" and do not want ENOSIS?

You avatar is as phony as you are.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:21 am

MR-from-NG wrote:I have now officially mamed you GOLDENBALLS :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry Kiks but that is funny and I know MR-from-NG knows a thing or two about gold... :wink:

Btw, did you name or mame his balls MR-from-NG? :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:25 am

Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:Please note the Greek flags carried by Greek Cypriots at the Anan Plan referendum, it tells you the real reason why they voted "OXI".

:shock: For the love of God... don't tell me it's ENOSIS...

Go on GR, tell us why "Cypriots" would carry a foreign flag then.

Who is more qualified to answer that question Dayi? :?

Me or you?

The photos say it all GR but you are the one who is trying to dispute it so go ahead and tell us.

I don't believe this guy! He carries the Turkish flag around and asks me why some Cypriots carry foreign flags! Image

You keep calling the Greek flag foreign because you claim you are a "True Cypriot" and you still say it's ok to carry the Greek flag and expect us TCs to believe you don't want ENOSIS?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:shock: When and where did I say that it's ok to carry/hoist the Greek flag? Take a good look at my avatar Dayi and that should solve your queries and while you're at it take a look at yours!

You are going round in circles trying to worm your way out GR, why were the GCs carrying the Greek flag if as you claim they are "Cypriots" and do not want ENOSIS?

You avatar is as phony as you are.

I'm tired of your hypocrisies... just go to bed! :roll:
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Postby zan » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:28 am

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:

If they did not know what was in the Annan Plan then how would they know it would have been all good for them Kiks??? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel....(Nautical term for you). Yes they were excited about being in the EU and that was about that. They really thought that unification and the return to normal was going to happen so you not knowing anything about it and slandering the TC people is an absolute shame on you :evil: :evil: :evil: You have defended that butcher Makarios but you can sit there and denigrate all the TCs without a single bit of guilt...What a sad case you really are. Where was you Tpap when all the negotiations wee happening and why did he double cross the UN and the EU.......They ae pissed off at him for that so what does that tell you Einstein??? :roll: :roll:

Once again you are trying to divert attention by bringing Makarios into the picture. How did I defend him by the way.??

I already answered your question on my previous post as to "who knew what and when". There's no shame in that the TC's said "Yes", because they were told it was good for them, which it was, so they were not lied to by their leaders, and the same for the GC's, that they were told it was bad for them, and it was, so no one lied there either. Rather than blaming the TC's or the GC's, which I'm not doing neither, unlike most of you on this forum, but I rather blame a bad peace plan that was too complicated and too unworkable. It was welcome to 1960 Constitution, all over again.

Then you will join me in condemning TPap for his part, or lack of, in negotiating for a solution...........I wonder what he was up to at the time....He was not out in one of your boats was he????

It took years to put that plan together Kiks........What the hell do you think he did not negotiate properly for???????Come on for gods sake........Is that how you fish as well? You put no bait on the line but expect the fish to come and take the hook and signal when they are on firmly???? :lol: :lol:

I think there was a Makarios thread that you made a few contributions to :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:30 am

Get Real! wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:I have now officially mamed you GOLDENBALLS :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry Kiks but that is funny and I know MR-from-NG knows a thing or two about gold... :wink:

Btw, did you name or mame his balls MR-from-NG? :lol:

I'm really BUSTED now. :lol: :lol:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:30 am

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
zan wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote: The Annan plan was perhaps not the most well balanced and you may have valid reasons for rejecting it. Your community not only rejected the "plan" they clearly rejected the TCs too. This was clear for the world to see.

And what evidence do you have to cite in order to back up this claim, outside the distorting slogans that your leadership has been "spoon feeding" your imagination with? Oh, I almost forgot it, you saw on TV some Greek Cypriots celebrating!

Anybody who watched news channels outside of the RoC would have seen this. I have no reason to lie. Kids of 7-8-9-10, middle aged and the elderly they all said it loud and clear "WE WILL VOTE NO BECAUSE WE DON WANT TO LIVE WITH TURKS" These words were heard on BBC, ITV, CH4 and FIVE, CNN, FOX, EURONEWS and many more.

Don't be so silly kardesim.......Every GC read and, most importantly, understood every word and political decision in the Annan Plan and voted accordingly....Masallah! These people are clever....... :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Zan, I would guess no more than 10% knew or understood the contents of the plan. They voted purely from the heart. they did it from the heart and their heart told them "vote NO, these are Turks, why would you want to live with Turks. Fuck them they are sub-human, scum Turks, vote NO"

They did what they were told to do, which was, vote Yes because it is a good plan for the TC's, and it was, no lies there. Now they are told to push for Partition.

Can you not see the parallels here.

One partition was designed to come through the Annan Plan, and since that did not happen, now it's being tried to do it directly.

There's no shame being honest here MR-from-NG, but for you to be able to read other peoples Hearts and Minds with your claim here with this

"and their heart told them vote NO, these are Turks, why would you want to live with Turks. Fuck them they are sub-human, scum Turks, vote NO"

is truly amazing. Who needs to listen to their words, when you are able to "hear their thinking" instead.

Goldenballs spends 2 weeks in 42 years in Cyprus and then has the fucking audacity to question my judgement on people that I know better than they know themselves.

Stick to brownnosing and enhancing your popularity Kik 8) 8)

Actually it was 43 years, but who's counting.

Just because you knew how your cousins felt does not make it the same for everyone else. You already admitted that very few TC's knew what was in the AP, so they voted Yes, because they were told it was good for them, and it was. TC could not have lost anything by voting Yes, so why are you surprised with their Yes vote. Now that most of the AP details are in the open, I'm really amazed that you still blame the GC's for saying OXI to AP.

If they did not know what was in the Annan Plan then how would they know it would have been all good for them Kiks??? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel....(Nautical term for you). Yes they were excited about being in the EU and that was about that. They really thought that unification and the return to normal was going to happen so you not knowing anything about it and slandering the TC people is an absolute shame on you :evil: :evil: :evil: You have defended that butcher Makarios but you can sit there and denigrate all the TCs without a single bit of guilt...What a sad case you really are. Where was you Tpap when all the negotiations wee happening and why did he double cross the UN and the EU.......They ae pissed off at him for that so what does that tell you Einstein??? :roll: :roll:

I was about to go to bed when this caught my eye. Zan you have my utmost respect mate. Brilliantly put. Buyuksun be kardesim.

Now I'm really off to bed, hugs and kisses to you all. :wink: :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:33 am

Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:I have now officially mamed you GOLDENBALLS :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry Kiks but that is funny and I know MR-from-NG knows a thing or two about gold... :wink:

Btw, did you name or mame his balls MR-from-NG? :lol:

I'm really BUSTED now. :lol: :lol:

How do you think they make Adana kebab?
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