I farted whilst I was visiting one of my relatives last week .
It's not a thing I normally do but in my defence it was I thought fitting for the circumstances and the particular conversation
I was sat on the tiled veranda and was overcome with the desire to part with a bit of wind ~ As I don't particularly like the family and they certainly don't like me after I refused to lend them money ~ I thought as they are asking for money again what the hell and let one rip ~ the noise was a show stopper ~I didn't mean it to be so loud but the hard tiled floor seemed to amplify it.
We left very shortly afterwards and my wife commented that I'd embarrassed her and that she couldn't possibly go back there as they were all disgusted ~~~~~~~~ at my my response to their request for money again

Sounds ( pun intended ) good to me

and I think the relatives have now got the general idea that I'm not a lending bank.