An Irishman goes to a large country house to answer an advertisement for a handymans position. The interview went like this :-
Houseowner : Are you good at gardening?
Irishman : No Sir, I'm totally useless at it.
Houseowner : What about painting and decorating?
Irishman : No Sir, I'm totally useless at it.
Houseowner : Well, I assume you can drive?
Irishman : No Sir, I've never driven in my life.
Houseowner : Well, what about plumbing or electrical work?
Irishman : No Sir, I'm totally useless at it.
Houseowner : So, you can't drive or do the gardening, you can't do plumbing or electrics, and you can't do painting and decorating! So what makes you think you're so handy?
Irishman : Well Sir, I only live round the corner!