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Postby Eliko » Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:45 pm

free_cyprus wrote:
Eliko wrote:free_cyprus, If you truly wish to attain 'Enlightenment', you will first have to dispose of the books you are so eager to quote from and dis-regard much of which you have been taught by them.

The first step is to KNOW yourself, if you are susceptible to information proffered by politicians and their ilk, you are ill-equipped to venture into the realms of understanding.

I am not qualified to teach you, you may have to follow the arduous root through many ancient tomes to find it. :wink:

cors your not qualified to teach me beouse i teach people like you lol thats where the differance is but you obviously dont know that, lol
hense you cannot even answer a simple question the reason being you do not know it

free-cyprus, if you consider the questions you have posed are simple, you should have no need of explanation from the likes of us.

If you consider the attainment of 'Enlightenment' desirable, please refer to the advice you already have and act upon it............SIMPLE. :wink:
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Postby twinkle » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:22 am

free_cyprus wrote:
The Microphone wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:do you love yourself

do you love your mind

do you love your body

do you love your charecter

do you love the world you live in

or is there certain things you would love to change about yourself or the world

Cant postings like this be put in a section called 'the most pointless questions you can ask' section?

If one (section) doesnt exist the Moderator should create one.

cors they shoudl creat one just like i would like to ask the moderator to check and see if the person replying to me is an idiot or not but in your case theres no doubt

F_C the questions you pose are odd. Members query the relevance of your postings and you just insult them. Stop being so rude!!
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Postby free_cyprus » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:40 am

twinkle wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:
The Microphone wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:do you love yourself

do you love your mind

do you love your body

do you love your charecter

do you love the world you live in

or is there certain things you would love to change about yourself or the world

Cant postings like this be put in a section called 'the most pointless questions you can ask' section?

If one (section) doesnt exist the Moderator should create one.

cors they shoudl creat one just like i would like to ask the moderator to check and see if the person replying to me is an idiot or not but in your case theres no doubt

F_C the questions you pose are odd. Members query the relevance of your postings and you just insult them. Stop being so rude!!

theres nothing odd about the questions what is odd is the answers that are given to that question

one people do not read what is being asked and they answer any old way

two its an amazing question to ask. becouse it challanges the reader to ask themselves and inspire them to ask such questions in their own right hense becoming free thinkers,

if this is bad for the soul or the people of this forum then let me know but sont say the questions are silly
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Postby twinkle » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:55 am

You stress that people should read the question before answering. Read my reply then! I said your questions are odd...not silly!
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Postby free_cyprus » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:59 am

twinkle wrote:You stress that people should read the question before answering. Read my reply then! I said your questions are odd...not silly!

well then that makes me an odd ball then doesnt it lol i rather be an odd ball with the mind i have then to be normal thank you.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:01 am

FC can be compared to a spider. He spins many sticky webs (stupidity threads) and waits for his prey (bored and inquisitive members) to pass by so that he may then entangle them in cheap sophistries. If the victim challenges he is branded stupid and if not he is branded “taught” but either way FC gets his dinner from his victims (self satisfaction).

Our planet (forum) supports many life forms including FC so he has the right to exist albeit in an asylum... (his threads)
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Postby free_cyprus » Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:10 am

Get Real! wrote:FC can be compared to a spider. He spins many sticky webs (stupidity threads) and waits for his prey (bored and inquisitive members) to pass by so that he may then entangle them in cheap sophistries. If the victim challenges he is branded stupid and if not he is branded “taught” but either way FC gets his dinner from his victims (self satisfaction).

Our planet (forum) supports many life forms including FC so he has the right to exist albeit in an asylum... (his threads)

my dear friend get real the wise one the one who can see everything in everyone the wise one who its under an olive tree alone contemplating and reflecting on the cyprus forum.

i have only this to say to your reply get read,

20 get reals like yourself will not make a single one of me .

dont call it arrogance dont call it delusion call it by the name i sue for this reply

super confident

when i ask questions its to challange the reader so they can look at things in a different way .

some can and some can't. and you only have dealings with the lunatic asylem since anyone that does not agree with you you send them there

where is me i just call them idiots like im calling you an idiot.

The difference between genius and studpidity is that genius has its limits." lol
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Postby Eliko » Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:28 am

free_cyprus, it would appear that you spend much of your time in defending your position whilst insisting that you are trying to 'Teach'.

Without wishing to lampoon your attempts, I would like to tell you that you remind me so much of a young chap I studied with in my youth.

He was presented with a series of books by Edward DE BONO (for his 16th Birthday I believe) and thereafter became an incessant bore to the entire fraternity who were subjected to an unrelenting bombardment of quotes from these books.

We were schooled on 'Lateral', 'Creative' and 'Parallel' thinking to such an extent, we were scarce able to apply ourselves to our prospective studies.

I do wonder if you have caught sight of the publications I refer to ?, I believe the author was a psychologist possibly from Malta (or thereabouts), I also wonder if you could be in any way related to that gentleman ?, you certainly display many of his characteristics.

Who knows, you might even be the chap I first referred to, the last I heard of him was when I was in Indonesia, he was apparently teaching in Australia (Perth I believe), a particularly nice fellow, despite his annoying habit.

Best wishes to you free_cyprus, certainly no offence intended by any of my observations I assure you. :wink:
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Postby twinkle » Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:31 am

free_cyprus wrote:
Get Real! wrote:FC can be compared to a spider. He spins many sticky webs (stupidity threads) and waits for his prey (bored and inquisitive members) to pass by so that he may then entangle them in cheap sophistries. If the victim challenges he is branded stupid and if not he is branded “taught” but either way FC gets his dinner from his victims (self satisfaction).

Our planet (forum) supports many life forms including FC so he has the right to exist albeit in an asylum... (his threads)

my dear friend get real the wise one the one who can see everything in everyone the wise one who its under an olive tree alone contemplating and reflecting on the cyprus forum.

i have only this to say to your reply get read,

20 get reals like yourself will not make a single one of me .

when i ask questions its to challange the reader so they can look at things in a different way .

some can and some can't. and you only have dealings with the lunatic asylem since anyone that does not agree with you you send them there

where is me i just call them idiots like im calling you an idiot.

The difference between genius and studpidity is that genius has its limits." lol

Then F_C you are infinite.

If ignorance is bliss then someone please wipe the smile of F_C face....

dont call it arrogance dont call it delusion call it by the name i sue for this reply

super confident

And Big Egos are just a front for lots of empty space :lol:
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Postby free_cyprus » Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:20 pm

Eliko wrote:free_cyprus, it would appear that you spend much of your time in defending your position whilst insisting that you are trying to 'Teach'.

Without wishing to lampoon your attempts, I would like to tell you that you remind me so much of a young chap I studied with in my youth.

He was presented with a series of books by Edward DE BONO (for his 16th Birthday I believe) and thereafter became an incessant bore to the entire fraternity who were subjected to an unrelenting bombardment of quotes from these books.

We were schooled on 'Lateral', 'Creative' and 'Parallel' thinking to such an extent, we were scarce able to apply ourselves to our prospective studies.

I do wonder if you have caught sight of the publications I refer to ?, I believe the author was a psychologist possibly from Malta (or thereabouts), I also wonder if you could be in any way related to that gentleman ?, you certainly display many of his characteristics.

Who knows, you might even be the chap I first referred to, the last I heard of him was when I was in Indonesia, he was apparently teaching in Australia (Perth I believe), a particularly nice fellow, despite his annoying habit.

Best wishes to you free_cyprus, certainly no offence intended by any of my observations I assure you. :wink:

did you learn anything from your studies with this chap ??? you speak of
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