in the interview talat says if eu lifts isolations then they will let planes fly...
Japanese activists plant peace pole in the buffer zone
Viewpoint wrote:Kifeas wrote:The problem is not what a Turk like Gul for instance, has uttered during his "visit" in Cyprus! The problem is that not even one single TC has stood up to tell him even a polite "shut up!"
Why do you think that is Kifeas?
Looks like the tide has turned due to the lack of progress if Gul is saying partition is the only way forward this must have some support from either the US, UN or EU. Make up your minds as the longer there is no progress the higher chance of agreed partition or at worst relaxation of the isolation on the TRNC.
humanist wrote:actually people the only person Gul has is himself in the foot. can you imagine what the EU is currently thinking of him after the RoC has sent a letter condeming the visit, of an EU hopeful.
humanist wrote:VPLooks like the tide has turned due to the lack of progress if Gul is saying partition is the only way forward this must have some support from either the US, UN or EU. Make up your minds as the longer there is no progress the higher chance of agreed partition or at worst relaxation of the isolation on the TRNC.
If you think that the GC are idiots to trust your pathetic scmuck of a leader you got another thing coming buddy. All he was interested was getting his picture taken, totally ignoring Mr Papadopoulos. Funny really because just before I saw that video interview and my post was in relations to the ego trip Talat's on and that the only thing that maters for him is Turkey and his personal ego trip being called a presidente.
The difference with you yelling partition and Gul saying it, his country invaded mine 33 years ago and killed my uncle. So a war is very real for me as real as your fear is of GC's. The only tide that has turned on a personal level is my fear and mistrust of TC's imagine your fear and times that by ten.
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