Eric dayi wrote:free_cyprus wrote:Eric dayi wrote:free_cyprus wrote:zan wrote:Come on, thats no answer!!! I want to understand what it is tthat attracts you to this line of thinking and you are being silly????
theres only one thing that atracts me to this kind of thinking and its simply this i think independently
But you are against anyone who thinks independently and you swear at them.,i dont let you or anyone else make up my mind for me i come to my own conclusions ,
But you are against anyone who don't let anyone else make up their mind for them and come to their own conclusions and you swear at them.thats why i try not to get to involved with slagging matching in here wehre people are s coring points regadign who is right and who is wrong in here who done the worse things the sooc alled greeks or so called turks of cyprus the truth of the matter is there is one people of cyprus no two as you and most of these people in this forum claim. just becouse we speak two difrent languages you lot make it out as if thats what we are ..................
But you are against anyone who thinks independently, don't let anyone else make up their mind for them and come to their own conclusions and you swear at them.well my answer to anyone who thinks like that is feck that for a laugh
Now here's a man with a lot of patience and educated enough to be understanding.![]()
its a joke and most threads in here is a joke peeople of cyprus are a fraid to expres themselves they are to busy arguing and they are a rguin with their own people thats what i cant understand
I am not afraid to express myself and those whom I argue with are not my own people, we just happen to be sharing the same island.
You are doing it all the time but even so you don't understand what hypocrisy means either.
i can also tell you eric dayi to go feck yourself, hypocrisy is arsesses liek you who calim to be turkish cypritos and others like you who think they are greek cypriots,
you say you share the island with those peopel who are not your own people wawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww now you have really enlightened me and inspired me and you have certainly inflamed my mind with that statement
please eric dayi will you educate me please i have been looking for a teacher like you to teach me all my life
me and you we are diffrent eric dayi take it from me, i have seen and spoken to somany people like you in my line of work not only your kind that is trukish cypriot but many like you that are greek cypriots , and i tell them openly they are idiots, and you are no exception right now your thinking is blured and your vision is lacking and your imagination is not developed enough,
like i said me and ou re definatly different.....................i have never claimed to abe anything in this form but myself
what you fail to see in the bigger picture eric dayi is this ishare information good information inspiring information towards all my people of cyprus regardelss if they speak turkish or greek
thats why i aske questions like what is real education, thats why i have a thread called i love you , and many many more that questions and challanges ones thinking and why do i do this becouse i love my people of cyprus my people not greeks or turks my cypriot people who are idiots in most cases wehn it comes to their thinking but never th eless dont confuse being idiots and my love for them they are still my people
but your turkish what can i say you are what you believe you are
I get it now, everyone is an idiot except you because you are the ONLY ONE who is educated, has reaches in life and is capable of loving and the rest of us who want to think independently, know themselves, not let others influence them are "idiots" because we do not let someone like you who is educated and knows himself and is capable of loving not do our thinking for us, not let you influence us or force your will upon us are "idiots" because a person like is you who is trying to teach us to think independently, know ourselves, and not let others influence us is not capable of teaching us to think..................................................................................................................................
and just because we agree with you and want to think independently, know ourselves and do not let you influence us, you swear at us????????
You are a teacher who makes an ass of himself because he fails to see his "students" have learned their lessons.
It's a bloody good job we didn't have any teachers like you in school or we would not have passed a single test.![]()
i dont want you to agree with me eric dayi i want you to come to your own conclusions what the truth is
im not here to prove anything in fact im bored of arguing with people who are forever making accusations about me
all i can say to you and everyone else in thsi forum is simply this im self confident im super confident in myself and my ability to teach those who seek alternative education of the mind , in another words i teach positive to those who want to think and act in positive ways,
can i ask you and the whole of the forum here and now what problem have you lot solved by arguin about the past in here can anyone show me one shred of evidance that a solution was found to a problem regarding cyprus......................none
who benfits in here when you lot post disgusting things of the past in here tragic as they were tragic as they happened and tragic as they were mostly comited by our own people the cypriots. what does it serve can you answer me ............................for my point it only serves to ignite more hate more division more problems
is this a humane way to behave towards each other the naswer is no
ohhhh i swear alright and i do use the feck word and everyone knows this in the forum but thats ok i rather use the feck word a million time then to post here something ugly and billuilttling to the human spirit somethign that happened in the pass serves no purpose for the future except the purpose that says this must never happen agpeople do not understand what education is and the reason i s simple if i said most people of cyprus are idiots people think this is an attack on the cypriot people the truth of the matter is it is their thinkign i attack their lack of vision i attack cyprus people are one of the warmest friendliest people in the world but when it comes to poletics they are the guliest people in the world and im sayign this as a cypriot never confuse one subject with another