Nikitas wrote:And in Kikapu's last post ladies and gentlement you can see a true sailor who appreciates the fine lines of a good boat. In contrast, a power boat enthusiast to whom I mentioned Onassis' small boat gave a look of disdain and said "what is so good about that, it only has a lateen sail, wont do more than 3 knots!". Yes 3 knots in total silence, and no diesel fumes.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, we do refer to Power Boats as "Stink Pots".

On my 20,000 thousand Nautical miles sail adventure few years ago, our average speed was around 4 Knots (almost 5 mph). Well, some thing very fantastic happens when you travel at such slow speed. Time seems to slow down also, which means that one is in total awareness of all their surroundings and is aware of every action or event that happens around him /her. All this information is then processed and stored in one's brain's memory bank and stays there as fresh as it was the day it happened.
When one drives a car at 60 mph for one hour, I bet you cannot recall what happened in that hour a day later. Everything just went past you in a flash, but I can recall events as exactly as they happened even after many years later.
So yes, sailing over Power Boating, is much better for one's health and mind.