Get Real still beleives that my user name and my statement regarding my origin is a facade. He believes that I am a Turkish Cypriot using a veneer to show that someone outside of Cyprus is siding with the Turkish Cypriots. Well, short of coming over and introducing myself and showing my passports and my birth certificate, you'll have to take my word on it. Besides, if I did that, I'd probably be lynched and my bodyhung from a lamp post outside the Greek Embassy... A pleasent thought for you folk, I'm sure, but I'll pass on that for now.
I suppose for you Greek-Australians out there, it gives you more ammunition for bashing Kiwis, but whether you like what I write or not, I still believe that the Turkish Cypriots got a raw deal and that as long as the current policy of the (south) Cypriot Government continues, then partition is the only sensible solution.
This forum - instead of writing about reconciliation and ways to SOLVE the problem - has basically become a Hate-Turk-Mob-Fest, and when a person with a viewpoint different to that comes up, that person is 'an enemy of Cyprus'. with that kind of attitude, is it any wonder why I don't have any faith in any good intentions from your side?