Eliko wrote:free_cyprus, you posed the original question and the responses varied to such an extent that the post was eventually locked.
You have now resurrected the same topic and are receiving similar comments as before, the combined total of which is above 230.
Since most of the contributions seem to lean towards intellectual interpretations, I wonder if I may be permitted to venture an alternative view.
Have you ever picked a fight with a person who (for one reason or another) you considered to be no physical match to yourself and received a bloody good hiding for your efforts ?, now THAT can be a REAL EDUCATION, particularly if you receive your come-uppance in full view of the 'friends' who gee'd you up in the first place.

If we are agreed that REAL EDUCATION is gained from life's experiences, the above illustration is also valid and does not necessarily indicate ignorance or stupidity (as suggested by free_cyprus).
Whatever knowledge we gain is added to that which we may already know (or have learned) through experience, the ultimate will be measured by WHAT we have learned and THAT is what determines the difference between people.
The ability to know everything is beyond our capabilities, therefore no person can claim to be FULLY EDUCATED.
The best one can hope for is 'ENLIGHTENMENT', which allows us to come to terms with ourselves, others and ALL things (natural or otherwise).
The question of 'WHAT IS REAL EDUCATION ?' becomes a moot point therefore, since it does not really exist.
In my humble opinion.