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Postby The Microphone » Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:00 pm

Fot three people..........I'd say you need about CY£1000 a month or so. And that wont be saving any. And you wont be living it up either. Bulding sites here are just not like the UK. And there is no back-up here, nobody to complain to if you dont get a job, no union if you get sacked coz you are a Brit and no race relations board to take an employer to court. THIS IS NOT SOFT TOUCH ENGLAND where the scrounging foreigner gets handouts, child benefit, housing et al! Think carefully. rent your house, rent here for at least 12-18 months and then see! You cant say you havent been warned!
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Postby Bill » Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:41 pm

christmasjunkies wrote:Thats useful thanks! I know we won't beable to afford to retire if we sellup in uk but hot summers outside working have greater appeal over cold winters here at moment and taxman could move to Barbados on what we give him!
We could come over with £100,000 sterling in bank which i hope the interest on that could cover rental on a 2bed property and then work to cover week to week living expenses. I have the option of working too and our daughter also so thats 3 wages coming in.

If you put your money in a 30 day account in one of the major banks you will get 5.76% interest ( that's the rate shown on my statement received last week ) which could be paid to you monthly to cover rent and some expenses.

Of course you will pay tax on it but you will still be left with a good sum of money to add to your work income each month

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Postby big jay » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:37 am

christmas junkie what area of construction does your husband work in because this will obviously affect his salary, my wife and i were in a similar posistion where i was working long hours often having to stay away and therefore not seeing much of the kids aswell as both of us being in high pressure jobs.We had already bought a house in cyprus so we sold our house in the uk and live mortgage free in cyprus although without any savings but i work full time in the construction industry and i'am paid
CY£1000 month with a company car and we do fine with that even with 2 small children, if i was you i would look at what jobs and packages are available in construction and don't take too much notice of all the doom and gloom merchents but then again don't get to carried away by people saying everything wonderful, all i can say is it works for us so go for it.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:45 am ... tegory=482

This gives a Link to the eures job site

Worth a look at and very easy to use
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Postby The Microphone » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:54 am

bigjay.......we are not doom and gloom merchants.......just offering sensible advice. Your job doesnt sound like that of a brickie! No brickie gets a comapny car that I know of. My mate was working for a company and getting paid less than £30 a day and he had to work saturdays!!!!

Far too many folks come here looking for a utopian lifestyle that doesn't (for most) exist led on by those who wax lyrical but dont tell the truth.

Perhaps you can give me a job with a car and a salary matching yours then I wont have to work as hard as I do now for less.

The real doom merchants are those that do not listen to any advice, but who are intent no matter what on following their dream which then explodes in their faces. There have been far too many of those. The disappointment etched on their faces as they return back to the UK skint/potles/brassic is evidient.

You can enjoy your time here. You just need to be realistic about the prospects and then decide if you really want to give it a go.

ps... pm about the job Im really interested!
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Postby Eliko » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:03 am

mountainman, I am so pleased that you offered your opinion on the subject of christmasjunkies's questions, I was going to submit the same comment regarding the financial position but felt it might be seen as somewhat discouraging if I did so.

I agree with your overall assessment and hope the enquirers take note of the good advice contained in it.

Certainly, a 'Test Period' would be of great benefit to them, I wish them well with their proposed venture. :)
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Postby big jay » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:28 am

microphone...... i wasn't having a pop at any advice anyone in particluar had given christmas junkies i was just trying to give them some middle ground i did say not to get carried away with people saying everything is wonderful, you are right i'am not a bricklayer i'am a project manager which is why i was asking what area of construction he was invlolved in.

i didn't think i was laxing lyrical i was just saying that so far things have worked out for us regarding most things, of cousre there are negatives but so far for me there were far more negatives in the uk.

like you say you can enjoy your time hear if your realistic about the prospects, too many people do think its a case sitting by the pool all day(my wife for one, she better get a job soon).

no jobs going at the moment but ill let you know if something comes up
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Postby christmasjunkies » Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:54 pm

Wow, dint realise that our question would cause such a debate! We appreciate everyone has a point of view but would like more factual info. please so we can decide what the best plan of action would be.
Our intention would be to rent not buy so we can get out if things don't work although we will have no home to come back to and will then have to rent back in UK. Thats where the interest on £100k would come in.
My husband is a groundworker/pipelayer/bricklayer/concrete finisher/digger,dumper driver working on the tools. He is capable of being a foreman but likes to "switch of" at the end of the day! He usually knows more than the agents on a job.
Like Eliko we are trying to gather all the facts about day/day living to create a financially viable plan.
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Postby christmasjunkies » Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:30 pm

Big husband is a groudworker/pipelayer/digger,dumperdriver/bricklayer/concrete finisher etc. etc. basically there isn't much he can't do before a building goes above ground level, being a projects manager you should know what i mean. At 46 in 4yrs time when we hope to move would he be considered too old by potential employers. He has never needed a CV to find work in UK because his reputation for being so skilled , good and fast usually goes before him and he's never been out of work. We are trying to assess if we could survive financially by selling our home in Norfolk and using interest on £100k to rent in Cyprus. It would be a gamble because if it didn't work we would move back to uk and have to rent. By seeing if it could be financially viable we could put up with a few more winters working outside and have the dream of having more time together to hold onto. Which areas are best to live in for work? we hope to holiday in as many different areas over the next 4 yrs to gather as much info,. as possible.
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Postby The Microphone » Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:29 pm

I didnt intend to argue. So step back......done. Just dont want to see someone waste their whole lifes savings on a mystical trip. Jay you are lucky to have such a good job. Many dont. I guess they'll make their choice.
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