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New Swiss radar

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Postby The Microphone » Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:24 pm

A vain job with some eh devil? Me you mean then.

It's do-gooders like you who have led to the proliferation of speed cameras whilst the Police ignore many many many other more serious forms of offence, particularly here in Cyprus. While the main reason for deploying them is money, using 'road safety' as a disguise, there can and will be little respect for such a henious device or those that push it.

Mr Gatso himself stated that he wished he'd never invented it (the speed camera) as its intended use has been systematically abused. I still reckon you benefit somewhere along the line or are you a sandal, flat cap and beard wearer?

And for the record, i only do 100 or less on the motorway, so i wont ever get caught!
The Police have become lazy and ignore other crime and offences beacuse this is EASY time and money. Get real mate.
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Postby devil » Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:56 pm

Just shows how ignorant you are. There was never a Mr Gatso. The Gatsometer is made by a Dutch company according to a very poor, cheap, design by a Mr Gatsonides (a good Greek name that!). It is not used in either Cyprus or Switzerland and he certainly never invented radar speed systems. In fact, it may surprise you to know that a company (Pye Telecommunications Ltd., Cambridge) I was working for in the UK in 1955 had developed a system. There was no legal base for it to be deployed at that time. I do wear a beard, but have no headgear of any type and wear sandals only in the summer.

What you also don't see to realise is that the police that deal with road traffic is not the same police that handles murder, rape, bombs, child abuse, dog poisoning etc. Obviously, you would prefer that the road traffic division did nothing. But do not forget that anyone who burns a red light or exceeds the speed limit or uses their hands for chatting on a mobile etc. is just as much a criminal as someone who rapes a kid. An act is criminal or it is not and anyone who breaks the penal code and is found guilty is a criminal. Even parking on a double yellow line or on the pavement is a criminal.
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Postby Niki » Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:05 pm

The Microphone wrote:Road safety by scam-era is the biggest tax extortion ever invented. All the gullible idiots who believe they reduce accidents in all but the blackest of blackspots need their brain cell tested for 'functionality'. If every speeding car had an accident there would be no cars on the road and the hospitals would be full of casualties. Its a tax based on the 'what if'. . '

You're speeding and you might have an accident. nicked! 'Try nicking someone for burglary because they might commit a burglary. Its totally absurd and all the lemmings have swallowed it!

Cameras have only ever been about raising money for an offence which there is no due process in court as that 'right' has been stripped away! Commit a murder and they HAVE to prove you guilty in court. That makes speeding worse than murder!

Ching ching ching the money keeps rolling in and you all feel a little better coz you paid your fine.

I would agree if we were talking about the UK which is total extortion and it does seem to ring true here.

However Cyprus needs this. Since I've been here for 2 months I see accidents every day. A lot more than the UK. Also many 'crazy' and I mean 'CRAZY' driving.
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Postby The Microphone » Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:51 pm

Speeding is as bad as raping a child? You really have lost the plot mate. Go back to eating carrots. What a twat! I'm glad you didnt need my help in looking a complete fool!
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Postby devil » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:21 am

I suggest you take lessons in reading English. Where did I say that "Speeding is as bad as raping a child"? All I said is that they were both criminal offences. I did not compare their gravity.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:59 am

devil wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I have only noticed few cameras on the freeways here in Switzerland,

Varies according to the Canton. GE and VD are much more highway-oriented, although GE have quite a number in town, as well. ZH and BS are more town oriented. In 35 years, was caught only once in Switzerland, in VS. I was approaching Martigny from Villeneuve (before the motorway was open). Just 8 m after the 50 sign, there is an electricity distribution box and the cops had hidden the radar behind it. The reception committee, 50 m further on, stopped literally every car. I was had for 58 km/h and fined CHF 30,- on the spot. Everybody was complaining it was a dirty trick, but the law is the law! Got my own back, though, as the VS gendarmerie were a customer of mine for software and I charged them an extra CHF 30.- for the following update! :)

You mean to say you had BAD reflexes Devil, that you could not brake down to 50 kph in 8 metres. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sounds to me like, they were out to generate some cash that day, as well as "advertise" their intent in enforcing the law.

Unlike many places that I have lived, there are often police "spot checks" here in the Swiss Towns. But it is very much the Swiss mentality, in that they give a lot of trust to the people to do the right thing, by "self regulate" themselves. For instance, it is up to the individual to get their cars smogged checked, and a sticker is placed on the window of their car, and it's good for 2 years. It is up to the owner of the car to renew that without being notified by the state. If during "spot check" one does not have a new smog certificate, on the spot fine of 600 CHF is given. Same with the "vignette" sticker for the yearly Highway use. It only costs 40 CHF to purchase, but several hundred CHF fine, if one does not have one when stopped.

Same with all the local Public Transportation, be it be the trains, buses or Ferries. One must have a valid ticket and if not and Ticket Controllers come, on the spot fine is 80 CHF. On the Intercity trains, one can still buy their tickets from the conductor, since they ride the trains all the time. It is all designed to keep the schedule of the Public Transportation by citizens being allowed to "self regulate" themselves. It is also amazing, that overwhelming majority Swiss comply with this system. It is a great credit for their Honesty and Civility.
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Postby The Microphone » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:00 am

Devil...... you're a lost cause. Go and eat carrots with the other tree-huggers.
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Postby devil » Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:36 am

TM: Isn't it amazing? The moment you lose an argument, you resort to derogatory - and untrue - epithets! You poor, misguided, creature!
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