VP wrote:-
They will have to accept what the majority of their community wants but will be faced with choices
My God! there's a change of opinion, I never thought I would see it in print.
(my underline)
Jerry wrote:VP wrote:-
They will have to accept what the majority of their community wants but will be faced with choices
My God! there's a change of opinion, I never thought I would see it in print.
(my underline)
Viewpoint wrote:Jerry wrote:VP wrote:-
They will have to accept what the majority of their community wants but will be faced with choices
My God! there's a change of opinion, I never thought I would see it in print.
(my underline)
But they will have choices either the TRNC or the "RoC" if they want to unite with GCs they can choose the "Roc" if they want to stay with the TCs they can chose the TRNC...they will not be forced to do anything against their will as there will be 2 choices, not 1 forced one, theres a big difference.
Nikitas wrote:Like I said, some people have not thought things out and have not considered what Turkey wants.
Bulent Ecevit speaking in several different interviews, to English and Greek media said that partition into two independent states which can lead to double union is not an acceptable solution to Turkey because "it would make Greece a Middle Eastern power" and that result is unacceptable to Turkey.
As for the last 33 years Viewpoint we have not had partition into two independent states. I will not characterize what we have, but two independent states we definitely do not have. Independence means that eah state is free to proceed with whatever alliances, treaties, participation in international bodies it wants to do etc. Which means that the northern part, if it were independent, presumably would enter into a defence agreement with Turkey and the southern part with Greece or OTHER POWER, and that is precisely what Turkey does not want. One way to prevent this is via the Federal solution. So I have been alive for the last 33 years and unlike other people I have been awake too during that time.
NOw for the boy born in London after 1974 of Turkish Cypriot parents. He does get British nationality, also through patrial nationality and the provisions of the Cyprus Constitution he is also a Cypriot national. International law prohibits the retraction of nationality by a state. Cyprus would not be allowed to retract or cancel the nationality if its nationals. Only individuals would be able to renounce their nationality. The only thing Cyprus could do is to prohibit dual nationality in both new states. In effect we would still have a Turkish minority in the south no matter what happens. Back to square one!
Those here who are not aware of the difficulties involved should look into the situation of Greeks born in Turkey (Istanbul, Imvros, Tenedos etc) and expelled after the 1955 riots. The property and nationality problems are haunting Turkey's progress in Europe to this day.
Viewpoint wrote:Jerry wrote:VP wrote:-
They will have to accept what the majority of their community wants but will be faced with choices
My God! there's a change of opinion, I never thought I would see it in print.
(my underline)
But they will have choices either the TRNC or the "RoC" if they want to unite with GCs they can choose the "Roc" if they want to stay with the TCs they can chose the TRNC...they will not be forced to do anything against their will as there will be 2 choices, not 1 forced one, theres a big difference.
Like I said, some people have not thought things out and have not considered what Turkey wants.
Bulent Ecevit speaking in several different interviews, to English and Greek media said that partition into two independent states which can lead to double union is not an acceptable solution to Turkey because "it would make Greece a Middle Eastern power" and that result is unacceptable to Turkey.
As for the last 33 years Viewpoint we have not had partition into two independent states. I will not characterize what we have, but two independent states we definitely do not have. Independence means that eah state is free to proceed with whatever alliances, treaties, participation in international bodies it wants to do etc. Which means that the northern part, if it were independent, presumably would enter into a defence agreement with Turkey and the southern part with Greece or OTHER POWER, and that is precisely what Turkey does not want. One way to prevent this is via the Federal solution. So I have been alive for the last 33 years and unlike other people I have been awake too during that time.
NOw for the boy born in London after 1974 of Turkish Cypriot parents. He does get British nationality, also through patrial nationality and the provisions of the Cyprus Constitution he is also a Cypriot national. International law prohibits the retraction of nationality by a state. Cyprus would not be allowed to retract or cancel the nationality if its nationals. Only individuals would be able to renounce their nationality. The only thing Cyprus could do is to prohibit dual nationality in both new states. In effect we would still have a Turkish minority in the south no matter what happens. Back to square one!
Those here who are not aware of the difficulties involved should look into the situation of Greeks born in Turkey (Istanbul, Imvros, Tenedos etc) and expelled after the 1955 riots. The property and nationality problems are haunting Turkey's progress in Europe to this day.
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