'74LondonBoy wrote:phoenix wrote:'74LondonBoy wrote:phoenix wrote:'74LondonBoy wrote:phoenix wrote:'74LondonBoy wrote:phoenix wrote:Allow me to demonstrate how I came to the conclusion that GCs need to be allowed to run their own country in their own way
There you go again, this says it all really, and you have the nerve to say my "evil twisted cynical divisive mind" is at work. Go figure.
What is your problem with that statement?
Who tells the Turks how to run Turkey? . . . it's own people.
Why should it be any different for the Native Cypriots? Why, so that you can have a motherland and more besides!
What makes the TCs any different to anybody else that they should have SO MUCH MORE than any other group of people?
You just don't get it do you ?
Who gives you the right to say "if TCs want to stay, great, BUT unashamedly on our terms".
In your statement there is really no place for TC, unless they give in to your every demand. Thanks but no thanks.
I have already explained this to you. Why should the Native Cypriots not be self-governing?
I never suggested they give in to every demand . . . but "too many cooks spoil the soup" and the Native Cypriots have to be given a chance to govern.
Then you complain if you don't like
Be serious, who will listen to our complaints once we stay "unashamedly on 'your' terms". The RoC government, the EU, the UN ?
Because of the pillars that we base the foundations of a Democratic government upon.
Surely you don't disapprove of a firm foundation based on Democracy?
Do you?
I have no problems with democracy, I'm just not sure how you plan to use it.
I can guess though that you have "one man, one vote" in mind which means everything the 'Native Cypriot' wants, the 'Native Cypriot' gets.
Am I on the right tracks ?
Yes and No
Maybe the TCs and GCs want more of the same things then you give them credit for.
After all running a country is just about giving people an education, a health service, etc. You cannot argue that GCs and TCs would want drastically different things that each turn of the screw causes conflict.
So what's wrong with a Democracy were the wants of the average person are met.