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Postby free_cyprus » Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:32 pm

Cyprus4MeSoon wrote:free_cyprus....I LOVE YOU :)
But I have to say that the love I give to the entire human race is totally different to the love I feel and give to those closest to me. I think I would say that it is more, care and consideration that I give for those that I do not actually know!

But that's just me, no disrespect is intended and hope you carry on spreading your love :wink:

i love you to
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:34 pm

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:OK, you love GetReal, he is having a laugh. He would dearly love you to show that love in other ways than words. :wink: :wink: GR always wants a direct link for his proofs. :lol: :lol:


This "love" thread should be locked with 3 padlocks, the key thrown in an ocean and FC castrated! Image

i think what FC is doing with this thread is very admirable. i am sorry you are not comfortable with discussing this.
I do hope you tell your wife and kids you love them.
do you have any children, GR?
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:36 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:OK, you love GetReal, he is having a laugh. He would dearly love you to show that love in other ways than words. :wink: :wink: GR always wants a direct link for his proofs. :lol: :lol:


This "love" thread should be locked with 3 padlocks, the key thrown in an ocean and FC castrated! Image

i think what FC is doing with this thread is very admirable. i am sorry you are not comfortable with discussing this.
I do hope you tell your wife and kids you love them.
do you have any children, GR?

I did... but they've all run away... :(

ps: How's that for a head start?
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Postby free_cyprus » Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:41 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:
LENA wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:
LENA wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:
LENA wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:my father never said he loved me until i was 16 years old. at least he said it, and now he says it regularly.

Lucky you!

the problem with the cypriots is that not only have they not learned to say i love you, but they themselves were never told from their parent that they love them, also its like a macho thing with the cypriots as if one becomes a sissy or one becomes weak the truth of the matter is its alctualy takes strenth to say i love you its the caresteristic of the strong not the weak to say i love you.

thats why maybe 400 people have looked at this thread and very few have said i love on the human level,

Free-cyprus, I understand what you are saying but is not always the case you know. Men in Cyprus have changed, they are less macho than they were in old times and they say I love you more easily. Some say i love you every your self (and some of them do not mean it really) and some others once a year or never. By the way i do not think that is only a Cypriot thing.

As for the number of people who saw this thread and did not reply... well have you ever thought that many of those times were you and me reading the posts :wink: I already expressed my self on the matter of love and how easily or meaningless/-full it is for some people so i will stay back with that for a while.

lena this is a universal thing not just a cypriots thing cors its not
but i wanted to tell everyone in this forum that i love them

even though some of them make me mad with the rubbish they post regarding cyprus, but i have the confidence to forgive them to, and i have the confidence to say i love you to them.

:roll: Free-cyprus, is your right to feel that way and want to say that you love them, but respect that they might not feel the way you feel. Also, when you say "I love you" do not expect the same reaction back. As Eliko said (if I am not wrong) the love thing is not something you plan, and for sure is not something that you always express with words.

But hey I do respect you :wink:

i dont expect anything from anyone leno thats why im seldom disapointed, the kind of love im talking about is the love you can tell a friend, brother or sister or daughter or son mother or father

Ok, ok, I give in. We can all love each other. Some more than the others. What has more power than words is the way we show that we love the other person. Our acts of love are more effective than just saying ' I love you'. When one is loved, they know it. When one loves it is as obvious as daylight. You can never be mistaken. As to the words, they mean nothing. 8)


to show you love another person through body language is unspoken words that one thinks without saying them there is no other know way to show love without actualy thinking about the spoken word even if you do not say them they have to be there in your mind in order to convey them to the recipient throught your body language and your eyes

The body languages you refer to and what I am saying are two different things. The expression of love, as I am repeating myself, is not just in those words. You cay say it a thoussnd times, but if the actions or behaiviour towards the loved one is not there, the words alone mean nothing. I am not talking 'basic instincts' here, ok?

OK, you love GetReal, he is having a laugh. He would dearly love you to show that love in other ways than words. :wink: :wink: GR always wants a direct link for his proofs. :lol: :lol:

the words i love you if they are not meant then nothing in the world can make that love real in any shape or form, we are speaking the same language here. body language was uses a simple ilistration,

if the words i love you is not conveyed with the pure thought of the meaning i love you then they are meaningless,
you can look at a person and say i love you without the actiual words but in ones head the words spoken are real so they convey the real message of love,

Thanks for your expected response. So you only want to say those 'words' only for your own satisfaction. Only you will know the true meaning and you leave it up to the recipient of those 'dozen for a penny' words to guess their meaning. Without the bdy language and deeds, these words are worthless. Or do you expect your 'beloveds' to be telepathic.


i will make this simple and to the point for you, i will say this to you

i love you

now how you interpet that or what meanings you attach to those words have unlimited possibilities,

i have said those words as one human being to another like i would say it to a mother or a father or a brother or a sister or a daughter or a son my personal love is not restricted to my imidiate family nor is my love any different towards others as my family i love my family as human beings hense thats why i tell them i love you as a human being hense i tell you

what is soo confusing about that

OK, OK. No need to go that far. I say to you; I do not hate you as you are a amiable person. I will not say the I X U, simply because it would be meaningless, even to me.

ok i will explain in a more frofound way so that you might understand this love bussiness.

you cannot pissibly love anyone in the world
unless you love yourself first,
to love yourself it must be total with all your faults weakneses and strenths
to love yourself and to reach that love of oneself
you must forgive those who have hurt you in your past
you must forgive yourself for your past mistakes

to love yourself means understanding what it is to be human
what it is to be human means to love other humans
to love other humans means we acknowladge we no diffrent or better we live in difrent parts of the world speak difrent languages follow different riligions, but we are human beings.

if you are readdy to love yourself then you alreaddy posses and have conducted the above i have said what it is to love

let me know if you haveall that within you i have mentioned
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:51 pm

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:OK, you love GetReal, he is having a laugh. He would dearly love you to show that love in other ways than words. :wink: :wink: GR always wants a direct link for his proofs. :lol: :lol:


This "love" thread should be locked with 3 padlocks, the key thrown in an ocean and FC castrated! Image

Bu...bu...but GetReal, you said 'I love you' to him! Oh no! Dont tell me the little one read the post. You are right then Add another three padlocks from me gratis. Goodbye thread. I love you. :lol:
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Postby free_cyprus » Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:28 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:OK, you love GetReal, he is having a laugh. He would dearly love you to show that love in other ways than words. :wink: :wink: GR always wants a direct link for his proofs. :lol: :lol:


This "love" thread should be locked with 3 padlocks, the key thrown in an ocean and FC castrated! Image

Bu...bu...but GetReal, you said 'I love you' to him! Oh no! Dont tell me the little one read the post. You are right then Add another three padlocks from me gratis. Goodbye thread. I love you. :lol:

laughter and redecule and scorn can be given by anyone

if i said to you and get real i have a gift for you and get real and you both refused that gift who does the gift belong to , to you and get real that has refused it or to me that has given it ?????
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:42 pm

free_cyprus wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:OK, you love GetReal, he is having a laugh. He would dearly love you to show that love in other ways than words. :wink: :wink: GR always wants a direct link for his proofs. :lol: :lol:


This "love" thread should be locked with 3 padlocks, the key thrown in an ocean and FC castrated! Image

Bu...bu...but GetReal, you said 'I love you' to him! Oh no! Dont tell me the little one read the post. You are right then Add another three padlocks from me gratis. Goodbye thread. I love you. :lol:

laughter and redecule and scorn can be given by anyone

if i said to you and get real i have a gift for you and get real and you both refused that gift who does the gift belong to , to you and get real that has refused it or to me that has given it ?????

GR is anybodys', but I was brought up not to take gifts from strangers. If we had some Coffee together, that is a different cup of tea. Oh sorry, coffee. :lol: :lol:
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Postby free_cyprus » Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:47 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:OK, you love GetReal, he is having a laugh. He would dearly love you to show that love in other ways than words. :wink: :wink: GR always wants a direct link for his proofs. :lol: :lol:


This "love" thread should be locked with 3 padlocks, the key thrown in an ocean and FC castrated! Image

Bu...bu...but GetReal, you said 'I love you' to him! Oh no! Dont tell me the little one read the post. You are right then Add another three padlocks from me gratis. Goodbye thread. I love you. :lol:

laughter and redecule and scorn can be given by anyone

if i said to you and get real i have a gift for you and get real and you both refused that gift who does the gift belong to , to you and get real that has refused it or to me that has given it ?????

GR is anybodys', but I was brought up not to take gifts from strangers. If we had some Coffee together, that is a different cup of tea. Oh sorry, coffee. :lol: :lol:

one of the great problems that i have with this forum is iasked a question and people do not read it or understadn it or they miss the whole thing all together

i will ask you again

if i said to you and get real i have a gift for you and get real and you both refused that gift who does the gift belong to , to you and get real that has refused it or to me that has given it ????
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could u be loved?

Postby karma » Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:49 pm

I am surprised this thread still keeps being alive on Cyprus forum :roll:
R U all having alzheirmers or what ??

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Re: could u be loved?

Postby free_cyprus » Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:51 pm

karma wrote:I am surprised this thread still keeps being alive on Cyprus forum :roll:
R U all having alzheirmers or what ??

karma i love you but your limited in your thinking
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