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Need to be Greek?

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Need to be Greek?

Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:46 am

Need to be Greek?

Unlike people from other nations, the majority of our compatriots – those of the Orthodox Christian persuasion – seem to prefer to be considered ‘Greek’ or ‘Greek Cypriot’, as opposed to simply ‘Cypriot’. (Though in their own language they would proudly declare themselves ‘Gibrei’.)

We think there are a number of reasons for this need to be Greek.

First, security and identity. After centuries of foreign oppression, Cypriots have understandably wanted to affirm an attachment to what they perceive to be a greater, more glorious, stronger grouping. Now of course, at long last, we are attached to a wider community, where Cypriots – of all persuasions – can be European.

Then there’s religion. But it should be noted that the Church of Cyprus, like that of Russia, is actually autocephalous within the family of Orthodox Churches. Indeed Cyprus was the first Roman province to convert to Christianity.

What about language? After all, most of us speak Greek (or something akin to it). But do Americans regard themselves as English? Do Austrians want to be seen as Germans? And weren’t all Cypriots happy to speak the principal vernacular of Cyprus before division took root?

How about culture? But if we’re honest there’s little to distinguish traditional ‘Greek Cypriot’ and ‘Turkish Cypriot’ culture and values. (OK, one group may eat less pork for religious reasons, but then some people ‘go the whole hog’ these days and become vegetarians!)

Ethnicity? This is almost certainly wrong on genetic grounds. The frequent appeals to both communities for bone marrow donors show Cypriots share more genes with each other than with the populations of either Greece or Turkey. We look the same, for goodness sake!

History? But which history do we go for? Cyprus has been inhabited for over 9,000 years and has been occupied by almost every significant power in the region and beyond. The island hasn’t been part of a Greek state for the best part of a thousand years – that’s if you count the Byzantine Empire, which at the time saw itself as Roman. Perhaps it’s time to move on and be ourselves.

Finally, we come to nationalism – a need to emphasise our supposed difference from Cypriots with a Muslim background. But doesn’t needing to be ‘Greek’ cause our Muslim compatriots to need to be ‘Turkish’? And if some of us must look to Greece, aren’t others forced to look to Turkey? But what if we were both simply ‘Cypriot’ and looked to Europe and the world?

Will we ever learn that only the need to be Cypriot can truly unite us and our homeland? And isn’t unity what we all want?

There. By now, people on both sides are probably upset. Unless perhaps, like us, they’re on the Cypriot side.
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Postby humanist » Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:20 am

Will we ever learn that only the need to be Cypriot can truly unite us and our homeland? And isn’t unity what we all want?

Evidently not.

I have to stop chattin on this forum if that is trully the unification I want.
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Postby phoenix » Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:40 am

Get real! The genes thing is wrong. As Humans we all share the same genes. There are only variants due to individual differences. Hence the call from both communities . . to serve recipients from both communities. There are no significant genetic differences between Cypriots, Turks or Greeks . . no more than to any other race.

The religion thing shouldn't be an issue for future politics.

Greek and Cypriot history has been running in parallel for a lot longer than Turkish and Cypriot history. Although it has diverged away enough not to feature in policy, it does not mean that Cyprus should capitulate to the Turks.

Most important of all is to not lose sight of the fact that the Native Cypriots should be in charge of their destiny and not be governed by Turks or Greeks in whatever guise.
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Re: Need to be Greek?

Postby Eric dayi » Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:11 am

Get Real! wrote:Need to be Greek?

Unlike people from other nations, the majority of our compatriots – those of the Orthodox Christian persuasion – seem to prefer to be considered ‘Greek’ or ‘Greek Cypriot’, as opposed to simply ‘Cypriot’. (Though in their own language they would proudly declare themselves ‘Gibrei’.)

We think there are a number of reasons for this need to be Greek.

First, security and identity. After centuries of foreign oppression, Cypriots have understandably wanted to affirm an attachment to what they perceive to be a greater, more glorious, stronger grouping. Now of course, at long last, we are attached to a wider community, where Cypriots – of all persuasions – can be European.

Then there’s religion. But it should be noted that the Church of Cyprus, like that of Russia, is actually autocephalous within the family of Orthodox Churches. Indeed Cyprus was the first Roman province to convert to Christianity.

What about language? After all, most of us speak Greek (or something akin to it). But do Americans regard themselves as English? Do Austrians want to be seen as Germans? And weren’t all Cypriots happy to speak the principal vernacular of Cyprus before division took root?

How about culture? But if we’re honest there’s little to distinguish traditional ‘Greek Cypriot’ and ‘Turkish Cypriot’ culture and values. (OK, one group may eat less pork for religious reasons, but then some people ‘go the whole hog’ these days and become vegetarians!)

Ethnicity? This is almost certainly wrong on genetic grounds. The frequent appeals to both communities for bone marrow donors show Cypriots share more genes with each other than with the populations of either Greece or Turkey. We look the same, for goodness sake!

History? But which history do we go for? Cyprus has been inhabited for over 9,000 years and has been occupied by almost every significant power in the region and beyond. The island hasn’t been part of a Greek state for the best part of a thousand years – that’s if you count the Byzantine Empire, which at the time saw itself as Roman. Perhaps it’s time to move on and be ourselves.

Finally, we come to nationalism – a need to emphasise our supposed difference from Cypriots with a Muslim background. But doesn’t needing to be ‘Greek’ cause our Muslim compatriots to need to be ‘Turkish’? And if some of us must look to Greece, aren’t others forced to look to Turkey? But what if we were both simply ‘Cypriot’ and looked to Europe and the world?

Will we ever learn that only the need to be Cypriot can truly unite us and our homeland? And isn’t unity what we all want?

There. By now, people on both sides are probably upset. Unless perhaps, like us, they’re on the Cypriot side.

OSMOSIS anyone? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Need to be Greek?

Postby phoenix » Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:12 am

Eric dayi wrote:OSMOSIS anyone? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I think your brain has suffered from too much OSMOSIS and it's shrivelled up :lol:
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Re: Need to be Greek?

Postby denizaksulu » Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:14 am

phoenix wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:OSMOSIS anyone? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I think your brain has suffered from too much OSMOSIS and it's shrivelled up :lol:

In @Biological' terms it is called 'Reverse Osmosis'! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Need to be Greek?

Postby free_cyprus » Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:33 am

Get Real! wrote:Need to be Greek?

Unlike people from other nations, the majority of our compatriots – those of the Orthodox Christian persuasion – seem to prefer to be considered ‘Greek’ or ‘Greek Cypriot’, as opposed to simply ‘Cypriot’. (Though in their own language they would proudly declare themselves ‘Gibrei’.)

We think there are a number of reasons for this need to be Greek.

First, security and identity. After centuries of foreign oppression, Cypriots have understandably wanted to affirm an attachment to what they perceive to be a greater, more glorious, stronger grouping. Now of course, at long last, we are attached to a wider community, where Cypriots – of all persuasions – can be European.

Then there’s religion. But it should be noted that the Church of Cyprus, like that of Russia, is actually autocephalous within the family of Orthodox Churches. Indeed Cyprus was the first Roman province to convert to Christianity.

What about language? After all, most of us speak Greek (or something akin to it). But do Americans regard themselves as English? Do Austrians want to be seen as Germans? And weren’t all Cypriots happy to speak the principal vernacular of Cyprus before division took root?

How about culture? But if we’re honest there’s little to distinguish traditional ‘Greek Cypriot’ and ‘Turkish Cypriot’ culture and values. (OK, one group may eat less pork for religious reasons, but then some people ‘go the whole hog’ these days and become vegetarians!)

Ethnicity? This is almost certainly wrong on genetic grounds. The frequent appeals to both communities for bone marrow donors show Cypriots share more genes with each other than with the populations of either Greece or Turkey. We look the same, for goodness sake!

History? But which history do we go for? Cyprus has been inhabited for over 9,000 years and has been occupied by almost every significant power in the region and beyond. The island hasn’t been part of a Greek state for the best part of a thousand years – that’s if you count the Byzantine Empire, which at the time saw itself as Roman. Perhaps it’s time to move on and be ourselves.

Finally, we come to nationalism – a need to emphasise our supposed difference from Cypriots with a Muslim background. But doesn’t needing to be ‘Greek’ cause our Muslim compatriots to need to be ‘Turkish’? And if some of us must look to Greece, aren’t others forced to look to Turkey? But what if we were both simply ‘Cypriot’ and looked to Europe and the world?

Will we ever learn that only the need to be Cypriot can truly unite us and our homeland? And isn’t unity what we all want?

There. By now, people on both sides are probably upset. Unless perhaps, like us, they’re on the Cypriot side.

i have been saying all this from day one, and most peaople in this forum redeculed scorned me for it byt i still stand by it, the sooo called educated, most cypriot people who are in goverment positions most of them practice devide and rule. as a result they want to have identity and yet they neglect their true identity, how do i know this ,personal dealings with both turkish and greek speaking people in jobs that represent our community but these people do not represent our community these people are traitors to our own community, as i have always said. cyprus people are the same people when i speak of cypriots i speak for both turkish speaking and greek speaking, becouse they are my community.
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Postby free_cyprus » Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:37 am

anyone that is in this forum anyone that is a cypriot and they put up flag of greece or turkey in this forum is a traitor to our cypriot identity,
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Re: Need to be Greek?

Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:12 am

denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:OSMOSIS anyone? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I think your brain has suffered from too much OSMOSIS and it's shrivelled up :lol:

In @Biological' terms it is called 'Reverse Osmosis'! :lol: :lol:

I thought that in his case it would be called illusionary misconception of identity !!
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:22 am

May I also , along with GR , ENDORSE MY COMMITMENT TO REALITY .Cyprus , as an independent world wide recognised nation must also face realities that our nationality is none other than Cypriot , when all the motherland suckers come to realize that the most potent uniting force is that we are all Cypriots , and that the most destructive evil force is the propensity towards Greece or Turkey , two nations that are responsible for all past conflicts and no doubt with some Cypriots , for all future conflicts too.
Good old Maltese , the people of Malta , good old true Cypriots the people of Cyprus.
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