LENA wrote:I disagree with that...I found that having a card in UK is far more expensive than having a card in Cyprus. I use my Cyprus card all over UK and Bank of Cyprus gives me so much benefits and do not charge me for using or having their card. The opposite. But I agree that you need to use the card you trust most
I'm sorry I find that hard to believe Lena ~~ especially with the Bank of Cyprus
Anything to do with Cyprus banks and their banking system is expensive.
After years of enjoying free banking in the UK I'm finding it very difficult to come to terms with the Cyprus banks greed in wanting to charge for everything.
I have a account with the B O C and the CO-OP and my wife has her account with the Hellenic all three charge for every single little thing involving transactions as do all the other banks

It may be different for you as a student but I can assure you that the rest of us pay through the nose