Thats called "cats revenge" Eliko - then unsuspecting people go and tread in it!!!!!!!
Eliko wrote:GorillaGal, I don't know much about cats BUT, I did see one which I tried to capture, it was so clever!.
I actually saw it dig a hole in the ground, it done it's business and then covered it up, if I see it again I will certainly try to keep it for a pet, it must be worth a fortune being able to perform such a clever trick.
Eliko wrote:GorillaGal, I don't know much about cats BUT, I did see one which I tried to capture, it was so clever!.
I actually saw it dig a hole in the ground, it done it's business and then covered it up, if I see it again I will certainly try to keep it for a pet, it must be worth a fortune being able to perform such a clever trick.
Bill wrote:Eliko wrote:GorillaGal, I don't know much about cats BUT, I did see one which I tried to capture, it was so clever!.
I actually saw it dig a hole in the ground, it done it's business and then covered it up, if I see it again I will certainly try to keep it for a pet, it must be worth a fortune being able to perform such a clever trick.
All cats do that eliko and in fact are much cleverer than you think ~~ as they will always do their business in someone else's garden![]()
As for GG's suggestion of keeping the cat indoors ~~ no way in Cyprus ~ 95% of Cypriots will not let their cat or dog in their house at all let alone live in the house .
tessintrnc wrote:Sometimes I think it is kinder in the long run not to "adopt" these stray animals on a temporary basis. They get given kindness and plenty of food then WHAM, they are on the streets again - less able to cope than had they developed in the streets. My sisters neighbour did the same thing, here for 6 mths, 2 cats "adopted" and now she is gone!! The piteous crying of these 2 cats trying to get back in the house is really upsetting.
GorillaGal wrote:tessintrnc wrote:Sometimes I think it is kinder in the long run not to "adopt" these stray animals on a temporary basis. They get given kindness and plenty of food then WHAM, they are on the streets again - less able to cope than had they developed in the streets. My sisters neighbour did the same thing, here for 6 mths, 2 cats "adopted" and now she is gone!! The piteous crying of these 2 cats trying to get back in the house is really upsetting.
adopting a pet is a responsability. and this is one example.
they are like human children, you don't move away and leave them behind. if you adopt one, they become part of your family.
i once had an apartment, where i was feeding the stray cats. i was up to 6 of them, so i startede catching them, having them spayed and neutered, and re-releasing them.
eventually, i had to move, but i continuted for months going over to the old property to feed them, until i learned the neighbor was kind enough to have taken over the job. i never would have gone and left them flat.
GorillaGal wrote:Eliko wrote:GorillaGal, I don't know much about cats BUT, I did see one which I tried to capture, it was so clever!.
I actually saw it dig a hole in the ground, it done it's business and then covered it up, if I see it again I will certainly try to keep it for a pet, it must be worth a fortune being able to perform such a clever trick.
hahaha, eliko! that is what cats do! ever watch them in a litter box? they do thier business, and they cover it up. see how clean they are!?! it's part of thier survival instincts. if they leave no sign of themeslves, it is harder for thier enemies to get them.
nature is an incredible thing. the first okapi owned by the bronx zoo had given birth to an offspring. they were watching it, and realized it had never gone to the bathroom--never peed or pooped. they ended up giving the poor thing a laxative, and it died. the thing is, we learned that okapi that have young, do not pee or poop at all nfor the longest time. that would send out messages to the animal kingdom that they were there, come eat us!
GorillaGal wrote:paliometoxo wrote:then they crap and pee allover the place... cant have them indoors
you don't know anything about cats do you? shame! they are wonderful, loving, CLEAN creatures. give them a litter box, and clean it once or twice a day, and that's where they will do all their business. you only have to show them where it is once. they know what it's there for.
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