Nikitas wrote:Ok,
I understand the separate states idea, but what access do people have to these states? The general description "separate states" can be interpreted in any number of ways.
And what about the other non Greek non Turkish communities what do they get? No one seems to give much of a damn about them, I guess if Armenia, Lebanon and Italy had the desire and the means to put their navies/armies around our area we might be more polite to these communities. They deserve some mention if only to maintain credibility in our postures of equality, fairness, rights etc.
Nikitas wrote:Viewpoint they were never given much of a choice- the 1960s constitution treated the smaller communities like garbage and so does the Annan plan. Your only care for them is to simply write them off? And the only rights you can give someone are those that come from them being owners or rulers? The Maronites have been on the island since the 8the century, the Armenians since the 10th century, the Latins probably as long. The Gypsies are a mystery because they have no written history. They are distinct communities and they do contribute to the island's economic and cultural life. Anyway, I guess there is no room in your scheme of things for them so the Greek side will have to look after their intersests.
Viewpoint wrote:Nikitas wrote:Ok,
I understand the separate states idea, but what access do people have to these states? The general description "separate states" can be interpreted in any number of ways.
And what about the other non Greek non Turkish communities what do they get? No one seems to give much of a damn about them, I guess if Armenia, Lebanon and Italy had the desire and the means to put their navies/armies around our area we might be more polite to these communities. They deserve some mention if only to maintain credibility in our postures of equality, fairness, rights etc.
Were they ever owners/rulers of Cyprus? I believe they threw their lot in with the Gcs in 1960 so they should ask the Gcs for their rights.
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