Joan wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Joan wrote:twinkle wrote:I don't give a rats arse that they could see the room from the restaurant. No right minded person leaves a child under age of 10 alone with 2 other kids. I always suspected the parents were involved.
Why didn't the "abductor" take the other kids? Why didn't anyone see anything? Or hear anything?
All too fishy for me.
Problem is IF this child had been taken, with all the publicity they would have had to get rid of her quick. No chance she's still alive, poor little soul. If this is the case, I blame the parents for leaving the kid. Educated yet no common sense....Stupid people! Would they have left her alone in the UK.
Unfortunately Iam like most people are trying to think how this ' accidental death' might have happened. Without the 'body' the case is open for people like us to guess at. The lack of info on the evidence available leads us to arrive at these conclusions I am afraid. Did they? yes. Why? Accidental. Cover up? Yes. Cover up what? The mode of death. Why? Their professional credibility is at stake.
I hope this is all wrong and little Maddie is alive and with a loving family. Extremely slim chance. Only my opinion. Alas.
everybody thinks the parants are involved. i dont know if we can beleive them but everything is so weird.
Senarios say that maybe an accident happend while the kids were alone and when the parents found out they wanted to hide it and make it look as an abduction because they were gonna get in trouble for leaving three little kids anattended.
Secondly the little girl if she was abduted wouldnt she cried or screamed if a "stranger" took her and if she screamed the other two wouldnt they cried too . ? Nobody heard anything !! there must have been a familiar person that took her.
what im wondering is ... the twins must have heard something or seen something. they are now 2 years old i think, and shortly they can SAY what they saw and heard and they can recognise the "abducter" or THE PARENTS !! what happes then ? didnt anybody think of that ?
What they were trying to hide is the evidence of sedatives in the body. They panicked and acted like a..........s. They could not afford to be seen to administering drugs of any description 'illegally'. They must have had access. As Medics they could easily have gotten presciption drugs from any chemist in the EU. I wonder if they have been checked out (the chemists, that is)?
They deserve no sympathy for letting those children alone. They could have simply choked and died.
Do you mean they were administering drugs to the kids to go to sleep so they can go out by themselves ? Geez cant imagine parents sedate their kids JUST to go out !!! ?????OMG.
devil wrote:I don't understand why you all have to SPECULATE over what happened.
It's bad enough without making things up or repeating rumours that have no chance of being well-founded, even if they come from the media.
Shut up and let justice take its course: the truth will out in the end but it is not helped by stupid meanderings of the mind.
twinkle wrote:Err isn't this a forum for free thinking?????![]()
Obviously I am mistaken
denizaksulu wrote:Who pressed your button, then.
This is a serios human issue, and we are concerned over the fate of a little girl. Obviously you have read what has been written, my advice is go and read some bedtime stories before your sieasta.
Have a good day.
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