Kali Mera, enoy the weekend

@ BigDog
I loved the song but I hate football, all I know about Ireland is Liam Neeson

PARAMED wrote:Good morning to all from the North Sea,
Just had our boat drill and we are having a heat wave 17c, back to Paphos on Tuesday courtesy of CY505.
You know who I will be supporting Big Dog, your team would be my next choice.
denizaksulu wrote:Good Morning ALL and Special message for Karma.
Andrea BOCELLI will be singing at the Funeral Service of Pavarotti today. Some might want to 'be there' in spirit.
Regards to all and Farewell
PARAMED wrote:Good morning to all from the North Sea,
Just had our boat drill and we are having a heat wave 17c, back to Paphos on Tuesday courtesy of CY505.
You know who I will be supporting Big Dog, your team would be my next choice.
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