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Papadopoulous and Talat Comedy Act......"The Report&quo

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Sep 10, 2007 3:10 am

Zan wrote:I swear it is just like talking to Bir with you.....He used to pretend he missed out whole posts as well so that he did not have to answer me at critical points

What do you mean I used to pretend?????

Are you implying I am not pretending any more??? 8)
Or have you finally accepted the fact that I am regularly away from my computer and miss out on large chunks of posts in almost every thread I post in??? :wink: :)
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:43 pm

I'm very surprised that I have not had more comments from the TC's on "The Report". Even Londonboy74 commented. I'm trying to understand what this actually means. I though there were plenty of "put downs" on PapaD, and yet, not too much response. There were also a lot on Talat too. Perhaps that's the reason, or perhaps the future of the "TRNC" did not have a positive "spin" to it. I would really like to know why there weren't more responses from the TC's.

I guess we are beginning to see who has a sense of humour and who does not here on the forum.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:23 am

Kikapu wrote:I'm very surprised that I have not had more comments from the TC's on "The Report". Even Londonboy74 commented. I'm trying to understand what this actually means. I though there were plenty of "put downs" on PapaD, and yet, not too much response. There were also a lot on Talat too. Perhaps that's the reason, or perhaps the future of the "TRNC" did not have a positive "spin" to it. I would really like to know why there weren't more responses from the TC's.

I guess we are beginning to see who has a sense of humour and who does not here on the forum.

Kikapu...People who make their living spreading propaganda on behalf of the trnc government cannot be allowed to have a sense of humour. Everything is deadly serious for them...In their minds they are locked in a "do-or-die" battle with the RoC government...

The others probably don't know what to say...You have exposed the tragedy and the comedy of the situation very well...As i often say,there is no one as blind as people who refuse to see... :roll: :wink: :)
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:09 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I'm very surprised that I have not had more comments from the TC's on "The Report". Even Londonboy74 commented. I'm trying to understand what this actually means. I though there were plenty of "put downs" on PapaD, and yet, not too much response. There were also a lot on Talat too. Perhaps that's the reason, or perhaps the future of the "TRNC" did not have a positive "spin" to it. I would really like to know why there weren't more responses from the TC's.

I guess we are beginning to see who has a sense of humour and who does not here on the forum.

Kikapu...People who make their living spreading propaganda on behalf of the trnc government cannot be allowed to have a sense of humour. Everything is deadly serious for them...In their minds they are locked in a "do-or-die" battle with the RoC government...

The others probably don't know what to say...You have exposed the tragedy and the comedy of the situation very well...As i often say,there is no one as blind as people who refuse to see... :roll: :wink: :)

I think the lack of response is due to the disappointment at the failure of the talks. atjey do not see that as funny. They need to lighten up a bit and enjoy every bit of life with is sadness and fun.

I am still waiting for the unedited/unpurged version of the talks. I hope we dont have to wait too long. Life is toooo short. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby zan » Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:44 am

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
" All Turks are scum and partitionist with non Cypriot names but please don't kick me off the island Mr GC, I have been working for you all my life".................

Way too long of a Title Zan. People will fall asleep just from reading the title, as people do just by reading your posts. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh! Is that why you never answer anything that shows the GCs up for what they are doing to us....Try to keep awake in the future, try some attention span improving exercises for instance, things might get exciting. I need a promise from you that you will not run away and pretend you are busy though....

Did you have a look at the stuf I googled for you? Nasty place the world isn't it :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What googled stuff are you talking about Zan.???

I do not recall getting anything from you about that.

I swear it is just like talking to Bir with you.....He used to pretend he missed out whole posts as well so that he did not have to answer me at critical points :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did Turkey intervene to save your ass was one of them that you errr.........evaded :evil: :evil: :lol: :lol:


I have never hid away from your least not deliberatly.

As to the subject of your above question, it is a little different than the one we had talked about, which I had given you my answer several times as well as my conversation with BigOz. Here is the link again. ... 8&start=30

I simlified things down and asked a simple but important question but it was too simple to allow you to waffle again. :roll: :roll:

Did you actually come to a conclusion with bigOz by the way...I didn't think so... :lol:
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Postby zan » Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:55 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I'm very surprised that I have not had more comments from the TC's on "The Report". Even Londonboy74 commented. I'm trying to understand what this actually means. I though there were plenty of "put downs" on PapaD, and yet, not too much response. There were also a lot on Talat too. Perhaps that's the reason, or perhaps the future of the "TRNC" did not have a positive "spin" to it. I would really like to know why there weren't more responses from the TC's.

I guess we are beginning to see who has a sense of humour and who does not here on the forum.

Kikapu...People who make their living spreading propaganda on behalf of the trnc government cannot be allowed to have a sense of humour. Everything is deadly serious for them...In their minds they are locked in a "do-or-die" battle with the RoC government...

The others probably don't know what to say...You have exposed the tragedy and the comedy of the situation very well...As i often say,there is no one as blind as people who refuse to see... :roll: :wink: :)

I think the lack of response is due to the disappointment at the failure of the talks. atjey do not see that as funny. They need to lighten up a bit and enjoy every bit of life with is sadness and fun.

I am still waiting for the unedited/unpurged version of the talks. I hope we dont have to wait too long. Life is toooo short. :lol: :lol: :lol:


What we have is a maturity in which we did not have much faith in anything positive coming out of the meeting...I am glad that they did it and inadvertently it puts pressure on them to come up with something but it will not. What's the point then I hear you say....Well...It shows how much TPap wants to return to the Zurich agreement for a start...That alone will be the bullet in the foot for him and a wake up call to the rest of the caring world. You guys should stop reading the front page and front page alone and see what the real world is like....South Africa, The Berlin wall did not come down overnight as the romanticist and sensationalists like to to think they did....It took decades and decades for all of that to happen and it also took both sides to say sorry......`We are far far away from that point and the "RoC' has been steering away from it always. There wasn't a TC I knew that did not think that the island would be unified and we would return to our partnership fully intact. They have come to realise that that is not what the "RoC' is working towards and that they are not catered for within that republics thinking. They have prepare their people by false education and lies to fall into line and even those GCs that had a similar dream of uniting with old friends have seen the light. It ain't gonna happen.....Good morning all.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:19 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I'm very surprised that I have not had more comments from the TC's on "The Report". Even Londonboy74 commented. I'm trying to understand what this actually means. I though there were plenty of "put downs" on PapaD, and yet, not too much response. There were also a lot on Talat too. Perhaps that's the reason, or perhaps the future of the "TRNC" did not have a positive "spin" to it. I would really like to know why there weren't more responses from the TC's.

I guess we are beginning to see who has a sense of humour and who does not here on the forum.

Kikapu...People who make their living spreading propaganda on behalf of the trnc government cannot be allowed to have a sense of humour. Everything is deadly serious for them...In their minds they are locked in a "do-or-die" battle with the RoC government...

The others probably don't know what to say...You have exposed the tragedy and the comedy of the situation very well...As i often say,there is no one as blind as people who refuse to see... :roll: :wink: :)

I think the lack of response is due to the disappointment at the failure of the talks. atjey do not see that as funny. They need to lighten up a bit and enjoy every bit of life with is sadness and fun.

I am still waiting for the unedited/unpurged version of the talks. I hope we dont have to wait too long. Life is toooo short. :lol: :lol: :lol:



The long version is still in my head and every time I think of it, I start to laugh. Some may think I'm crazy laughing all alone, but that's the way it is. Just re-read the original. You will still laugh, I'm sure.

The moment has passed I'm afraid for the remaining material to be used in "The Report" of last weeks meeting, but rest assure, they will be used, when ever the next opportunity arises, and it will. It can come in any shape or form.

It is only a matter of time, because "Cyprus Problems" are not going away anytime soon. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:57 pm

CopperLine wrote:
I thought your report was brilliant, and I feel honoured to have been named. Someone already mentioned it, but the ability to carciature and include the different forum posters was both funny and accurate. ... &start=740

I have been meaning to move this statement from another thread to this one where it belongs, made by CopperLine.

While I'm this topic again, I'm very disappointed that aside from Zan, Londonboy74, Denizaksulu and our good friend Birkibrisli, no other TC's made any remarks at all about this post.

I most certainly expected something from our good friend T_C, but nothing.

Halil said something like "I'm not interested in your Comedy serious" which is ironic, because he of all people, who works for Bayrak should be used to any and all Comedy reporting from them. Perhaps he is over consumed and on the verge of a burnout with Comedy at Bayrak.

Nothing from MR-from-NG who has shown that he likes a good joke when he sees one. I wonder what was his problem.

VP has no sense of humour, so I had already discounted him from the beginning, so he is excused.

The newly returned Eric Dayi who is always trying to make jokes....I did say "trying", but no avail, poor fella.

BigOz seems to have disappeared, but did expect some response from him before going away.

Murataga also seems like a very serious person, much like VP, so once again, he was excused.

I always found Iceman to be very moderate, but he too did not make any comments. Very surprised with him indeed.

Not all the GC's commented either, but some of those who did, came as a surprised to me. I did not expect them to make any comments at all.

So you see, life is not as black and white as some members tend to think sometimes.

So to get back to the TC's for a second, would anyone care to guess why they were very silent on my original post in this thread. What could they have been concerned about to make a comment. Were they just simply against me personally.? Possible, but then again, Zan and I had very troubled past together, but even he made some gesture (very small actually) of approval of the post.

I'm very much dumbfounded as to the reasons of keeping silent by some TC's.[/quote]
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Postby zan » Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:11 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:True to form :wink: and a better read than your last fictitious story :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Well done....

I was waiting for a response from you. I knew, if you liked it, then it had to be good, since we share similar style sense of humour. :lol:

I'm glad you took your "role" in a fun way. :D

Thanks a lot for the "back handed" compliment. :lol: :lol:
The comment I made was back a back handed one as you said Kikapu and I think that most TCs here agree with me...As usual your comedy has come up with the GCs smelling of roses and the TCs ther real butt of your joke. Maybe that is why most have declined from speaking but what the hell! If you need our love then you have got it. We have an understanding nature and fools are celebrated. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:18 pm

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:True to form :wink: and a better read than your last fictitious story :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Well done....

I was waiting for a response from you. I knew, if you liked it, then it had to be good, since we share similar style sense of humour. :lol:

I'm glad you took your "role" in a fun way. :D

Thanks a lot for the "back handed" compliment. :lol: :lol:
The comment I made was back a back handed one as you said Kikapu and I think that most TCs here agree with me...As usual your comedy has come up with the GCs smelling of roses and the TCs ther real butt of your joke. Maybe that is why most have declined from speaking but what the hell! If you need our love then you have got it. We have an understanding nature and fools are celebrated. :roll: :roll: :roll:

But Zan, most of what I wrote was all taken from the forum. I did not invent them. I just filled the "gaps" with nuetral stuff, so I don't know why the TC's failed to see the whole thing as a joke on every one of us.

Trust me Zan, if I was that biased person you make me out to be, I could have destroyed Talat in every line, but I did not do that. Once again, most of what was written, was the product of forum members contributions. Was that so difficult to see.??
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