GorillaGal wrote:i saw he was on line today, so i IM him. the person i chatted with says he was his brother, who was checking up on Fanos' emails at his request. i was informed Fanos is in the hospital, in a coma, and the brother (Andy?) said he did not know if Fanos was going to live. there were some discrepancies in the conversation i had, and i wonder if i was actually talking to Fanos. is there anyone that can varify if Fanos is indeed in a hospital? i guess time will tell.... he is supposed to broadcast tomorrow, so that will tell alot.
GG, so lets get this straight. The guy is in a coma, yet was able to ask his brother to check his emails ???

A person is thatsick, and all he can worry about is his god damn emails.
Give me a break, Fanos is taking the piss and sadly taking you for a complete fool.
Don't let him take advantage of you girl, he doesn't deserve you.
Just forget him, and if by some miracle his does kick the bucket, then at least you can say you tried, but i doubt he will.
Good luck