It's very logical actually. People only cross a red light when they "think" nobody else is there, usually late a night. But why is the red light active when there is no traffic on the other lanes? In the UK there are sensors on the lights and it knows you are approaching, if nobody is coming from the other lanes the light changes from red to green, eliminating the need to cross illegally. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to be waiting at a red-light at 3am for 2 minutes while no cars are coming from the other lanes. You feel stupid. The Cyprus government could have eliminated the "stupid lights" we have in Cyprus by putting sensors on them solving the problem and massivley reduced wasted time and frustration in one smart move, by adding sensors. Instead they kept the dumb lights and added cameras to catch people who are just eager to get to where they're going. Like me most of the time.
I can go on and on but I don't want to bore you