MicAtCyp wrote:
"Agreed to accept" under blackmail of course, and without the consent of the people.
Under pressure no doubt but 'blackmail' ? Everyone wanted Makarios to sign the 60's agreements - including Greece. As to the consent of the people - firstly in legal terms that consent was not required. Makarios had the legal right to agree it on behalf of the GC people as their representative. In 'moral' terms as the akritas plan itself states.
It is significant argument that the solution achieved has not been ratified by the people, because our leadership, acting wisely, avoided calling the people to ratify it by a plebiscite, which the people, in the 1959 spirit, would have done if called upon.
Just read the Akritas plan. The echos of your words today to its words then are sinister and scary imo.
MicAtCyp wrote:
If the real purpose of Turkey were to "save" the Tcs she would do so in 1963-64 when they really suffered
She tried then and did intervene with jets briefly but was blocked by USA and others and on the understanding and hope that the UN would be able to protect the TC community and their rights. The UN failed and again in 67 Turkey came close to intervention and again was blocked by USA and others.
MicAtCyp wrote:
rather than in 1974 when the situation with the exception of a one week coup was almost normal.The coup gave the chance to re-grap the lost opportunity of the past.
Do you realise how that sounds? With the exceptioon of a coup everything was 'normal'! Sure ignoring a coup carried out and led by dangerous and violent men with an infamous hatred for TC and desire for a 'final soultion' to them everything was 'normal'. No TC in government. A constituion breached in so many areas as to be a joke. Yep everything 'normal' then.
MicAtCyp wrote:
The fact is it is a trump card exchangeable as a total or partially.
This is just madness. Do you really believe that if there was no Cyprus problem or if Turkey had done nothing in 74 that they would not have got the start date for accession talks? That it was only because they agreed to extended the trade protocol to include the RoC that they got the agreement for start of accession process and that if there was no 'Cyprus trump card' they would not. Madness. Sheer madness.
MicAtCyp wrote:
The only one who can take points out of this card is Cyprus itself.So I beleive before long Turkey has to exchange all the points of the card in her effort to clear her road to Europe.
And here we see the real use of Cyprus problem as a 'trump card'. It is the 'trump card' for GC that want to force TC into a submission they could not achieve through negotiation and agreement (in 60) or through force and terror (63-74). It is a 'trump card' not for Turkish EU entry but the trump card for those GC that want to this. As you say to be used in whole or in part, slice by slice to gain concessions from Turkey over their protection of TC. That is why TP does not want a solution now. He wants to play his Cyprus Trump card - not lose it. Why find a fair and compromise solution today when you have the trump card to get a solution that requiure no compromise or limit on your desires?
Certainly the Cyprus problem is being used as a Trump Card. But not by Turkey to gain EU entry but by GC/TP to gain maximal demands for Cyprus - the same demands that they could not get in 06 or in 63-74.
MicAtCyp wrote:
In this respect the Cyprus problem will not be solved in one year, will not be solved in 15 years, it will be solved gradually and finalised somewhere in the middle. What makes me happy is that we will see the results year after year. It will be fascinating!!!
As long as TP and GC and people like yourself believe that you can blackmail Turkey and the EU and the rest of the world in order to get your maximal demands then the prospects for the futre are bleak imo.
MicAtCyp wrote:
Insan the TCs are 18%. Do you consider 18% rights "minority rights"?
MicAtCyp do you believe that a 40 stone 6 foot person has the same rights as a 6 stone 4.5 foot person? If you do then why can you not accept that a smaller community has the same rights as a larger one?