I have noticed that our glorious leaders have not issued a common declaration at the end of their extremely productive meeting...I would like to offer the following declaration for their consideration (with thanks to Kikapu for the inspiration!)...
"The President Mr Tassos Papadopoulos (aka the Head of GC Administration) and the President Mr Mehmet Ali Talat (aka the Leader of the TCs), would like to pledge their firm and unshakeable committment to think about thinking about introducing some measures sometime in the near or not-so-near future, which might or might not go some small or large way towards building the necessary trust and understanding between their respective communities,and which one day in the unforeseeable future might or might not help to find a just or unjust and peaceful or non-peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem...So help them God!...."
May shall we say God help all Cypriots...