Othellos wrote:Hmm...if these are the minimum then what is the maximum in your opinion, metecyp (just wondering)?
If T-Pap really cared about TCs and if he truly believed in the RoC, then the first thing he would do is to encourage TCs fill their positions in the RoC. He would also asked one TC to fill the RoC seat in the EU (I think there're 3 seats reserved for the RoC). I'm sure he could have found 1 TC to fill this seat if he really wanted TCs to be represented. TC political representation is crucial for the RoC, not free healthcare or ID cards. But you don't ever hear anyone discuss this in the south (and the north).
While I do not expect or want from the TCs to express any gratitude for free health care etc, I do expect from those who make use of such measures to acknowledge the fact without moaning about it.
Ok, I do acknowledge it. Many TCs use the RoC passports to travel freely in Europe and many TCs get good healthcare for free in the south. These are good things but they don't affect the real issue. T-Pap claims that the RoC represents TCs but he doesn't do anything to make it really represent TCs, instead he throws the bare minimum in order to make the EU believe that TCs are represented. This is the real issue.