One man, one question and 12 days and 15 pages of nothing but drivel, "I am more educated than you are", "you are uneducated" and blah blah and more blah blah.
One man and his one question kept so many busy arguing, raising voices, swearing and threatening.
And in the end the man who asked the question answered his own question, "Know thyself" all well and good BUT.......
free_cyprus wrote:besicaly education is when one knows themselves and one what one wants in life and they go after it and they get it,
The man who quoted the above does basically not "Know thyself" and can not "go after it and get it" as seen and as pointed it out by many and also admitted by himself, his spelling. Clearly he does not want to learn to spell and hence the reason why he does not go out and get it but is very keen to prove to others he knows what "Real education" is but isn't interested in it himself.

And most who replied are/were very keen to prove him wrong and boast about
their own education and what and how much they know about cucumbers.
One goes as far as calling f_c a "Dumb Turk" and then claims he is not a racist. He laughs at f_c's spelling but makes plenty of spelling mistakes himself. He then claims he does not know if f_c is a TC or a GC but then threatens f_c and says "I know who he is and I'll catch up with him soon". DOOOOH!
Thanks guys, it's been a
real education.