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Postby miltiades » Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:50 pm

free_cyprus wrote:besicaly education is when one knows themselves and one what one wants in life and they go after it and they get it,

I'm very ignorant mate cause my ambition was always to be the King of England , went after it and was thrown out !!
I thought that the educated elite were good at spelling or at least good at putting a sentence or two together , but obviously I was wrong !!
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:55 pm

"Real education" is the education that free_cyprus has had so could the rest of you kindly piss off from this thread and move on to the "Unreal education" thread where you belong! 8)
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Postby free_cyprus » Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:56 pm

miltiades wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:besicaly education is when one knows themselves and one what one wants in life and they go after it and they get it,

I'm very ignorant mate cause my ambition was always to be the King of England , went after it and was thrown out !!
I thought that the educated elite were good at spelling or at least good at putting a sentence or two together , but obviously I was wrong !!

my dear friend education is what socrates said 1400 years ago know thyself. you go on about mys pelling feck how many times do we have to cover that trivial subject of my spelling a person who cnanot read or write sometimes has education becouse education in not about schooling its about personal enlightment its about personal discover its understanding that your potential as a person is unlimited
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Postby free_cyprus » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:00 pm

feck 2400 years a go not 1400 years a go aristotle said the same thing descartes said the same thign lianardo de vinci said the same thing. newtong said the same thing, ainstein said the same thing, van gogh new said the same thing,charlse dikons said the same thing sheakspear said the same thing all the great thinkers of the past said the same thing regarding education, education comes from within oneself not from outside, buddha said the same thing jesus said the same thing muhhamed said the same thing joan of arc said e same thing
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Postby phoenix » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:00 pm

free_cyprus wrote:
miltiades wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:besicaly education is when one knows themselves and one what one wants in life and they go after it and they get it,

I'm very ignorant mate cause my ambition was always to be the King of England , went after it and was thrown out !!
I thought that the educated elite were good at spelling or at least good at putting a sentence or two together , but obviously I was wrong !!

my dear friend education is what socrates said 1400 years ago know thyself. you go on about mys pelling feck how many times do we have to cover that trivial subject of my spelling a person who cnanot read or write sometimes has education becouse education in not about schooling its about personal enlightment its about personal discover its understanding that your potential as a person is unlimited

Did someone mention Socrates?

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." 8)
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Postby free_cyprus » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:02 pm

thats why the education you get with a diploma only serves and propares you for the work you want to do
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Postby free_cyprus » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:07 pm

socrates was concidered to be the wises of men in athens, he was the seed of phylosophy would we have plato or aristotle if it was not for socrates i doubt it mate socrates educated plato and plato in return educated aristotle and aristotle educated alexander the great. why did alexander the great achieve so much at ayaung age you think its becouse he studied for diplomas no he undertood the working of the mind his mind which many of you do not understand even now i can see most of you dont even know what the feck im talkign about
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Postby phoenix » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:25 pm

free_cyprus wrote:phoenix
socrates was concidered to be the wises of men in athens, he was the seed of phylosophy would we have plato or aristotle if it was not for socrates i doubt it mate socrates educated plato and plato in return educated aristotle and aristotle educated alexander the great. why did alexander the great achieve so much at ayaung age you think its becouse he studied for diplomas no he undertood the working of the mind his mind which many of you do not understand even now i can see most of you dont even know what the feck im talkign about

We're getting closer to your mind!

How about Aristotle's. . .

. . . . . "All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind"

No diploma, no job, good mind . . . . is that it? :idea:
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Postby free_cyprus » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:52 pm

your a fecking idiot thats why you dont know what real education is...... did anyone teach van gogh how to paint, did mother teresa have riches in meterial things. did jesus have riches, was martin luther king richl richness is a state of mind, education is a state of mind,a men is happy when he knows himself not to be otherwise as the saying goes. edison was perhaps one of the most educated men that lived in the last three hundred years, and yet he only had three months of schooling.henry ford had but little schooling, andrew carnagie had but little education. why are some men and woman extraordinary and others are just ordinary have you ever asked yourself that question when we are all born as a blank peace of paper
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Postby miltiades » Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:00 pm

free_cyprus wrote:phoenix
your a fecking idiot thats why you dont know what real education is...... did anyone teach van gogh how to paint, did mother teresa have riches in meterial things. did jesus have riches, was martin luther king richl richness is a state of mind, education is a state of mind,a men is happy when he knows himself not to be otherwise as the saying goes. edison was perhaps one of the most educated men that lived in the last three hundred years, and yet he only had three months of schooling.henry ford had but little schooling, andrew carnagie had but little education. why are some men and woman extraordinary and others are just ordinary have you ever asked yourself that question when we are all born as a blank peace of paper

It reminds me of a village idiot I once knew , could it be you ?
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