Filitsa wrote:You forgot "you are what you eat." Come on, free_cyprus, any ignoramous can throw around famous quotes. Excepting the physical incapacity to do so, one who claims to be educated, deems others "uneducated," and refuses to articulate his position while rejecting everyone elses, might be judged arrogant at best and a fraud at the very least. So what is real education?
I think 'Real Education' is more to do with what one 'feels' as a result of the experiences gained as we pass through life.
Understanding the thoughts and actions of others, respecting the manner in which they conduct themselves, engaging them in meaningful discussions and listening to their views.
Participating in some of their traditional actions without trying to impress on them the validity of your own.
Helping them to achieve the goals they set themselves and seeking help from them to achieve what you would wish for yourself, in order that you may pass on what you have gained from such exchanges.
Spending time observing how the ordinary people of the world regard those more fortunate than themselves, comparing the attitudes of those fortunate ones towards the less fortunate and dismissing the difference.
Being able to explain the reasons for suffering and endeavouring to help those in need without expounding the virtues of your own ideals.
Trying to bring enlightenment to those whose lives you may feel are darkened, while accepting that you may be the one who can extract some wisdom from them.
The fact that you may have gained a certain amount of knowledge through 'Schooling', does not necessarily indicate thet you are 'Educated', it may well be a useful tool in awakening the senses required for use as described above.
Quoting the wise words of 'Learned' tutors, can be detrimental to your own education since it can supress your ability to think for yourself.
Positions of power and influence are NOT goals to aim for in the pursuit of 'Education' since we all know of the deceit that has become the yard-stick of those that occupy those exalted positions.
The ability to realize ones position in life in relation to ones fellow man, to understand how SMALL we are (whoever we are) in relation to the whole scheme of things, MUST be the first step towards a 'Real Education'
In my humble opinion.