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Is there any particular reason why the women of Cyprus are

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Postby phoenix » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:13 am

kurupetos wrote:
phoenix wrote:
iceman wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
He is not exactly Brad Pitt. :lol:

and only 50% Cypriot :wink: :lol: :lol:

No offence to his fans, but, Brad Pitt has a nose that would be more suitable on a pig. :roll:

And, without turning this into a cyprob....

...50% Cypriot still makes him more Cypriot than anyone who's 100% Turkish, but wants to call themselves Cypriot.

Pitt Pitt

Have you been drinking? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, I have been drinking. . . . too much Turkish Coffee, and I've got the jitters and can't sleep! :shock:

Now excuse me whilst I go and invade a small neighbouring country. . .

(Does funny things to you this Turkish coffee. . . take my advice and don't touch the stuff) :wink:

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