Roomy wrote:Sotos wrote:I am sure Roomy has gone around the world comparing guys. So Roomy tell us. Who are the best? Who fucked you better? Whose cocks you like to suck most? Come on, you convinced as you are the one who knows all about guys, so enlighten us with your long experience with men. Did it start when you were 3 with your dad that looks like Rooney? That could explain a lot about your preferences you know.

It is a shame you homosexuals have to reduce everything to talk of sucking cocks, I am sorry but I don't do that, I have heard there are messageboards out there which cater for the likes of you

With all due respect, Roomy, I don't think it's unreasonable for one to assume that a man, such as yourself, who is overly concerned with the physical attributes of other men, is homosexual. Perhaps you're looking for permission to pursue these concerns on one of those messageboards of which you speak. It's more likely to give you the satisfaction that you're looking for. Go with our blessings.