GorillaGal wrote:Get Real! wrote:GorillaGal 12% [ 5 ]
This poll is being rigged!
As far as I'm concerned GG is disqualified.
hey! what's your problem Get Real? why do you wnat me disqualified?
Look GG, with all due respect but you're a very quiet and seldom seen member with... [0.62% of total / 3.16 posts per day] ...and if you ever do post it's most likely in support of the US; not exactly the most popular of topics on this forum.
I question you having that much popularity on the forum and the fact that your vote count doubled in the last 12 hours AFTER most regulars who know you had already cast their votes is EXTREMELY suspicious. On top of that we had a lunatic howling that everyone should vote for you earlier and making a scene and when you put 1 + 1 together it all makes sense… sorry!