insan wrote:Jimmy, in my opinion economic sanctions that imposed upon TC community have worsened the circumstances of the solution to Cyprus problem. And it keeps worsening...
Insan, could you please elaborate on this? I don't understand how the sanctions have worsened the circumstances of the solution to the problem
from the TC side. I mean, if anything, it should make the TCs realize that once the problem has been solved, the sanctions will no longer exist...? I understand the complexity of the attitude of resistance, but it's only negative reinforcement - Psychology-101
insan wrote:Moreover if GC community doesn't trust TC community; why should TC community trust to GC community.
Furthermore suppose world has recognized "RoC" and "TRNC" as GC administartion and TC administartion with no economic sanctions being imposed. Does that mean reunification would be impossible?
I don't know if that's what it means; but it's what
I think it means

By the way, I think we all know that when personal, or in this case, communal, interests get in the way, 'trust', 'vision' and other noble feelings tend to fly out of the nearest windows... If neither community has something to gain from re-unification, it becomes a utopian dream.
What I'm saying is that right now, GCs have something to gain (partially regaining what they lost, and partially undoing the wrongs that have been done by Turkey), and TCs have something to gain (ending international isolation, political equality, direct trade with the rest of the world). With nickp's proposal, TCs gain what they have to gain from a solution, while GCs don't (right?). So, only one side has
real incentives to work for a solution, in such a case!
insan wrote:I think you are not aware that the countries under sanctions hoe become destructive "evils" one by one. In which part of the world the sanctions gave expected results. If you think that "RoC" will weaken TC community with sanctions in order to impose its will upon TC community; you are making a fatal mistake.
I'm not making the fatal mistake you think I'm making, that's for sure!
I'm not saying that TCs should be stuck with the sanctions so that they'll suffer, in order for GCs to gain more at their expense.
I'm saying TCs should get stuck with the sanctions so that they don't become disoriented by the enthusiasm that lifting them would bring; do you not see the TCs' attitude after such a step? I'm guessing it will be something like the feeling of being King of the World (I hope you understand what I'm saying; I'm not being sarcastic, by any means).
insan wrote:TCs lost everything they own 1963-74 period because of the GC tyranny. They continue to lose because of the economic sanctions. We also seek justice not only GC refugees.
Yes, this is exactly why I put the word justice in inverted commas.
I'm not talking about the true meaning of the word justice; I know that both sides have suffered injustice.
What I'm saying is that GCs lost what they actually had, tangible, real things that they took (and still do?) for granted! Whereas, TCs were somewhat (...what's the word...) 'compensated' (?) for what they'd been through, by means of Turkey's interference. Do you see? GCs don't need any more incentive to look for a solution: they have been, and still are being, screwed (pardon my french

)! Whereas, TCs are only in for it because the current status-quo favors everyone but them... If it does favor them, by lifting sanctions, why would they work for a solution, or even accept one?
insan wrote:TCs had equality status both under British Rule and RoC and shoul have it in united cyprus.
Hmmm... I don't know about their status under British rule, but under the 1960 Constitution, I thought they only got local autonomy, percentage representation in government, army, police, as well as veto rights on several presidential decisions. Can this be defined as political equality? I thought the operant word in the term was 'equality', as in 50-50...
insan wrote:Did GCs had a seperate state?
Well... Not rightly, no! But, after what has been exhaustively debated in this forum, and described as either 'you left!' or 'you kicked us out!', GCs were the only effective government in the island, right? And, they believed that they were
rightfully the only government. Which means, well, they had the entire island (at least in their heads), and they lost half of it! That's why I argue that simply getting some back is motivation enough for GCs...