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Postby simonwjones » Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:07 am

Svetlana wrote:Can someone explain to me why the British pronounce the names Cholmondeley as 'Chum-ley' - and Featherstonehough as 'Fan-shaw'?


Hi Lana

It's just the same as knight, right and tight. They are pronounced nite, rite and tite. I am guessing the Chum-ley is a local pronounciation.

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Postby Nikitas » Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:11 am

Getting a little off topic Lana but my French teacher in England was VERY surprised to learn that in Greek we pronounse every letter in a word. "Do you really!" he exclailmed. To which I replied if you are not going to pronounce it why write it? And he had to admit there was logic to it. Conclusion- in English and French do not try to find logic in pronunciation, they are a law unto themselves. For those that seek rational languages try learning Spanish and Italian instead! Where Bough does not rime with Trough, life can get pretty rough, etc etc.
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Postby webbo » Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:50 pm

Nikitas wrote:Getting a little off topic Lana but my French teacher in England was VERY surprised to learn that in Greek we pronounse every letter in a word. "Do you really!" he exclailmed. To which I replied if you are not going to pronounce it why write it? And he had to admit there was logic to it. Conclusion- in English and French do not try to find logic in pronunciation, they are a law unto themselves. For those that seek rational languages try learning Spanish and Italian instead! Where Bough does not rime with Trough, life can get pretty rough, etc etc.

Funny, :lol: as every Cypriot I have met seems to think that they invented language and that most of the words in the English language derive from Greek :? :? :?
I agree that it is good to sound out every syllable, but you must agree that you have exceptions to your rules too!!! Would be pretty boring otherwise. :twisted:

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Postby liquorice » Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:19 pm

webbo wrote:
liquorice wrote:Lighten up Murf62! Poking fun at ourselves and others is not meant maliciously, it's the British sense of humour. We don't take ourselves too seriously and love taking the mick out of others. The world is getting far too PC with everyone afraid to make a negative comment for fear of being stamped on by someone like you. if we can laugh at ourselves we can solve a lot of problems. I'm always making typing errors because I type too fast and yet English is my first language. I wouldn't be offended by that remark.

Did not think that Raymanuva was British :? Wrong again huh! :oops:

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Sorry you didn't understand my mesage. Didn't mean to inply that Raymanuva was British just that I am and that is my sense of humour. That is the trouble with the written word. You cannot see the expression on people's faces or hear intonation in their voice. Also writing on computers is always a bit curt, unlike letter writing, in order to keep the message short.
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Postby Ilios » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:48 am

Peope please greate your oun forum.Here i am trying to make business :) .Simon i charge 80 CY pounds to pissouri
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Postby webbo » Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:56 am

Ilios wrote:Peope please greate your oun forum.Here i am trying to make business :) .Simon i charge 80 CY pounds to pissouri

:cry: That is no way to make friends and influence people! :wink:

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Postby WebSpace » Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:48 am

Please, folks try to stay on topic here ...

Ilios, you will find new Cyprus forums on Google or Yahoo search engine. Enter key words such as "Living in Cyprus" or "Moving to Cyprus."

Good luck with your new business
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