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Turkish Name for Village in Occupied Area

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Postby oranos64 » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:50 am

humanist wrote:When I see Greek flags representing Cyprus ...... I want to take up trnc citizenship.

when i read your threads i want to to use a abacus and note pad ...why ,..,you like the rest of the boring net nerds on this forum ...repeat your self important twiddle over and over again like hacky lawyers ...Same crap as if you will convert anyone to your views ...or like you are braking new ground or discovering some unknown info....that will win some boring argument ....

also just a side note ...i have a right to display any flag i want ...i can display the flag of my fathers homeland ...if you dont like it tuff ...display any flag symbol you want ...nazis ,,leftist ..what ever

it is your right is your right to speak and i will defend your right to do so ,,,,

this is democracy ...something your fatherland and cousins dont understand ....too much goosesteping .....shakes the brains ...





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Postby phoenix » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:56 am

humanist wrote:How can a thread about a village name, be transformed into a name calling, patronising one? Can someone explain to me please. Once again any information on this village will be appreciated. I am coming to Cyprus and my ancestral home is in Xeros I would like to know if it is accessible to a Cypriot/ Australian? if there is public transport or if it is an Army base and out of bounds. Anyone with helpful information would be very helpful.

Thank you.

Golly gosh Humanist, you're the one who said the "trnc" word :?

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Postby humanist » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:57 am

Oranos, blah blah blah blah,

for the record I rather be in company of a Turkish speaking Cypriot gentleman any time than a hateful bigot who speaks Greek
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:25 am


This is secind hand info but pretty reliable I reckon. Xeros is receiving some money to clean up the mess left behind by the mines. It was on the news recently and all kinds of people were milling about with cameras and microphones interviewing locals and officials. It is not an army base. You have access like in the rest of the north. Passport at the Astromeritis check point and drive on through.

I do not know the Turkish name. I have an involuntary reaction to reading/learning/retaining altered names and it has nothing to do with the language they are in. Komi Kepir, Kouklia and others were not Greek names, they were changed anyhow!
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Re: Turkish Name for Village in Occupied Area

Postby halil » Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:06 am

humanist wrote:Could someone provide me with the Turkish name of the village of "Xeros" located near Lefka?

Thank you for your assistance.

check below links ... index.html ... 16&l=0&m=s

wikimapia map might help u.

if u type Gemikonagı and search it with google u can find many articles.
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Postby humanist » Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:35 am

Thank you everyone,

Nikitas always a pleasure ;)
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Re: Turkish Name for Village in Occupied Area

Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:56 am

Get Real! wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:Bananiot for president.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I've just noticed your tagline! Something tells me you'll deeply regret it if that ever happens! Here's one such scenario...

Cyprus gets invaded by 20 Maltese soldiers in a dingy and Bananiot will probably run up to them, get on his knees and beg that they accept 15% of Akamas territory if they spare his life! :lol:

GR, are you on those magis mushrooms again. You are constantly dreaming up these imaginary schemes. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Did you deliberately pick the Maltese? :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Postby oranos64 » Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:09 am

humanist wrote:Oranos, blah blah blah blah,

for the record I rather be in company of a Turkish speaking Cypriot gentleman any time than a hateful bigot who speaks Greek

like that means anything to me ?,...a hateful bigot ...hello ....did i ever post anything bigotted ...quite clearly i am proud of my helenic roots ,i am proud to speak and learn my mother tongue

i dont care where you live ...but i live in cyprus in larnaca and around southern cyprus ,you will see the GREEK FLAG outside churches ,business offices ,government buildings ,schools etc ..this represents the fact that we believe we are Greek ,,,and in tune with our brothers ..

many people too have the helenic flag outside their home is because we are the unsilent minority,steadily becoming a majority ..we respect and love our helenic brothers is why we send a reaction team to the forest fires in greece ,,it is why i sent 12 of my men from cyprus over there to assist ,,,my bloodline like most greek cypriots is from Greece i(especially those form amosxosto and the like.. )

at a time like this ,you should understand solidarity for us Greeks ...I am daily speaking to my greek business partners and friends in Greece ...i hold both the greek and cyprus greek flag up high..

you like many of the TCS AND DUMB GCS cypriots on this forum to divide the Greeks cypriots ..enforcing this ideal that Greece is responsible for the 60s and 74 war and how they went out of there way to destroy the communities peaceful co existance ...i beg to differ ... there was never peace in cyprus but enforced oppression and control by the controlling invaders ..

.... ...sorry i am the first on the forum to agree we are all responsible for the past regardless of the nationality ... so again i say ...i hold my flags up high ..i dont want your friendship nor your respect ,nor peacetalks that will leave my people worse off again do your self a favour and jump for joy when you see my flag ...because you know me and many like me will never forgive nor forget those 20 years of double standards and invasions from a invading country not a peaceful military intervention but a full on military attack ....

humanity or whatever you call yourself ...sit with these so called intelligent turkish cyps,drink coffee , games whatever ... ,,,you mean nothing to me ,,your opinions and long winded posts are great ...i have nothing as i said against your posts ...good for you ...but dont tell me you are better than me ...

one last bit i said before seems most of the Greek cypidiots sorry cypriots on this forum are not living in cyprus ....i find you and others patronising to my brothers here ....unless you come over and visit and learn from real men and women like i did you will always have a tainted few ...snake and crane is coming over soon ,,i will take him on a trip to see and meet both sides of the argument and both communities ...

finally humanist because you are nobody .,just another cyp on his keyboard living far away from cyprus and and just another net nerd quoting his ideals and views ...i say this

i will grow a beard,the day i end up like you .....clueless
Last edited by oranos64 on Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby humanist » Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:28 am

dude I have not said that I am better than you. that is only your interpretation. I don't believe in separation of people and minute you begin to have them (turks) us (greeks) then you place a barrier. If turkish and greek speaking Cyriots saw themselves as one people on one Island nation then there is no cyprus problem a very simple idea really. Yet simple to achieve if people wanted. Imagine waking up tomorrow and there are no greek/ turkish cypriots just Cypriots, and all Cypriots worked for the good of all Cypriots, then no war, no division one in the same. yeah I heard ya not long winded posts. ;)
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Postby halil » Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:44 am

Nikitas wrote:HUmanist,

This is secind hand info but pretty reliable I reckon. Xeros is receiving some money to clean up the mess left behind by the mines. It was on the news recently and all kinds of people were milling about with cameras and microphones interviewing locals and officials. It is not an army base. You have access like in the rest of the north. Passport at the Astromeritis check point and drive on through.

I do not know the Turkish name. I have an involuntary reaction to reading/learning/retaining altered names and it has nothing to do with the language they are in. Komi Kepir, Kouklia and others were not Greek names, they were changed anyhow!

it looks humanist effected by the anti-turkish propaganda. İf i was him, i would pass from the border and do your own observation . than after u return back to Australia write down your observations.
Humanist, did u check the map ? from the map u can see the XEROS or Gemikonağı very clearly.
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