The youth of a nation are the future of a nation.
The role models of the youngsters are constantly hitting the headlines as a result of their misuse of privilege.
The ruling family is a very poor example to the young and does little to encourage respect.
The political leaders are similarly incapable of exhibiting decent standards of behaviour.
The future prospects do not look very promising for those who would wish to improve their lives.
The government policies are almost always geared to 'Tighten Up', ( a little 'Slacking Off' might be more productive).
And so on........ How else do you expect the youngsters to react in such circumstances ?, they are being FORCED to adopt anti-social behaviour, they are living in an environment which encourages them to seek credibility among themselves, there is little point in them trying to elevate their position since they have been influenced ( by their role models) to adopt the route of descent.
No amount of 'Mobile Electric Chairs, Bullwhips, Thumbscrews, Army Boots, or other frightful threats' will have any effect, the rot has set in and the only way to eradicate it is to set standards acceptable to THEM.
I personally feel sorry for the youth of today, they have NOTHING to respect, God Bless Them.
In my humble opinion.