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Class Cyprus - 3rd world, developing, developed?

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Postby Nikitas » Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:02 pm

Raymanuva,m,If you can do it, next time go the south and tour the villages. There you will see what Cyprus might become some day! Mediterranean climate, terrain, and some of the food, but care and neatness along French lines. If we can do it then we will be 1st world plus!

For cities, take a look at Arles and Montpelier. It was an eye opener for me, that is why I went back four times. Paris I like for the decadent atmosphere, but some parts really are the pits!
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Postby raymanuva » Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:18 pm

Nikitas, i am pretty sure the south and coastlines are different story.... next time.
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Postby oranos64 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:33 pm

beverley10 wrote:Cyprus is certainly not a 3rd world country! It is getting over developed ,and the developers just use any land they are not building on ,as a dumping ground for their rubbish, which just makes it look 3rd world.The only similarity with the 3rd world, is the amount of corruption in the whole countries infrastructure which once in Europe completely ,is going to come as a huge shock to those lining their pockets out of the incomers who bring wealth to the Cypriot people and a wish to just be welcomed as a friend not just a meal ticket.All mediterreanean people hoard junk which rusts and piles up all around their beautiful villages and properties,which does nothing to give the impression of a modern developed country.I have no desire to see Cyprus change too much,it has a charm that makes us want to live there,but get rid of the rubbish,get decent mains sewerage,stop the rip offs and welcome those who only wish to contribute ,not to take!

very well said madam ,.nothing worse than those who have no respect for their envirnomnent and have no morals /respect for their neighbourhood.

infact as they say in hawaii ....if you want heaven on earth , us up to us to make it ....

im all for ASBO OUT HERE TOO ..its way to noisey out here
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Postby Spetz » Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:35 pm

Sorry haven't come to check this...

Anyway people didn't quite understand the question.
The question was, disregard anything you know about Cyprus, and try to pretend the only thing you know about Cyprus is that you travelled the main cities in a duration of 3 days and then left.
What is your impression?

Also, at the same time can you please state what is the most developed country you have spent a considerable amount of time in (for comparison reasons)

Finally, raymanuva, I don't see how you can think joining the EU was bad. At least now Cyprus has to obide by stricter regulations, something which seemed non-existant before. Take for example the condition of how people drive on the road. THey are complete animals. If police were doing their job properly and fined people constantly for speeding, not indicating, going through red lighs, illegal parking etc then I am sure people would be civilized on the road. And I think this goes with everything as well. Cypriots do what they want because they can get away with it
And finally, I am Cypriot myself and from my understanding you are not, so don't tell me to pack my bags as I am at home, you aren't.

PS. I didn't get the time to read past page 1 sorry guys, I'll check it up later when I have more time
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Postby Simon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:25 am

Spetz asked:

[quote]And finally, Cyprus is classed in reality as a developed or semi-developed country isn't it?[/quote]

Cyprus is officially classed as a developed country.
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Postby oranos64 » Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:53 am

Simon wrote:Spetz asked:

And finally, Cyprus is classed in reality as a developed or semi-developed country isn't it?

Cyprus is officially classed as a developed country.

yes but i think the U,N lists it as 3world ...

i think the infrastructure ,coms ,health services etc ..undermine the nation

i also think ,this is because the U.N sees the north as part of the deal ..and lets be honest renault 12s are the car of the multitude in the north ...developments or not
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Postby plonker » Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:46 am

Cypriots are lucky that british are here, otherwise Cyprus would be a 3rd world country... now is developing... hopefully in 10-20 year it is going to be developed.
I`m not going to go into details but anyone who ever visited Europe should know what am I talking about... Cyprus is faaar faaar away from that real Europe.
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Postby RichardB » Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:58 am

No (you) Plonker

The British are lucky that the (majority) of Cypriots have welcomed the Brits into their country.

I would certainly class Cyprus as a developed country

I can find anything here that I would wish to find in any other European country
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Postby plonker » Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:07 am

Actually you are right RichardB, if they haven`t welcomed the Brits this would be a turkish state now. :)
Hmmmm... find what you want ? Don`t really understand...
The definition of developed country for me means something else, but ok, everybody has it`s own viewing angle.
Cheers. :)
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Postby Roomy » Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:13 am

As long as you have to put shitty toilet paper into a waste bin at your feet then dump it in the bins outside Cyprus will remain 3rd world, neither wonder the streets stink of shit. :x
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