A site member (its not relevant who) posted a comment regarding validity of Title Deeds in the "TRNC" which for the purposes of my question i will summarise as
"TRNC TITLE - ESDEGER" and "TRNC TITLE - TAHSIS (TMD)" were previously Greek Cypriot owned prior to 1974
So on a technical aspect, did the RoC Land Registry provide copies of all the land registry records for the occupied areas to the Turkish forces to allow an accurate picture of who owned what at a certain cut-off date ?
Cyprus-Forum Member wrote:They have all the records.even they can tell u from ,how and when u or your family has got this deeds.
I don't not beleive this, just find it very strange that information like this was transferred between the RoC and the occupying forces to enable the occupying forces to decide which land was available for giving away and which was already TC/Foreign owned.
The information exchange just doesn't seem like the sort of thing countries at war do for each other. Going back to the time the GC lands started being giving out as exchange land, were the two political sides even talking, let alone allowing the general public to cross the cease-fire line without issue.
So whislt browsing online i've found a sample "TRNC" Title Deed and it is exacly the same format as the RoC one of the 60/70s with the logo and all text boxes in the same place, the form administration code number is even the same - #131 - so i can assume that they are storing the same info in RoC as in the occupied areas administration.
So presumably the RoC land registries duplicated its information to allow the Turkish forces to to accurately created TAHSIS and EDGEGER "titles" from GC land ?
If not how was "exchange land" created from GC owned land as there is no way that people would have remembered all the acres and acres of land, the plot boundaries and who owned what to be able to create new deeds ?
Any ideas ?