... rno=114869
Here's just a small section of the "Montevideo Criteria of Statehood" in which I highlight major problem areas that our friend ATA ATUN has totally ignored in his article...
B. Montevideo Criteria of Statehood
The Montevideo Convention may be the most well-known list of characteristics needed for statehood.[176] The Montevideo Convention requires that a new state have a permanent population, a defined territory, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states.[177] The criteria of the Convention have been described as the accepted view of statehood,[178] the traditional criteria for statehood,[179] and the only serious attempt at a definition of statehood.[180] Many other noted scholars use the Montevideo criteria when trying to define a state but do not directly cite the Montevideo Convention.[181]
*283 Although widely accepted, scholars such as Ian Brownlie believe the Montevideo criteria only provide a starting point for the definition of statehood that requires further investigation and criteria.[182] Some scholars add territorial effectiveness as an additional criterion.[183] Other criteria cited are a degree of state permanence, a willingness to obey international law, a degree of civilization, recognition by other states, legal order, and the declaration by the entity that they wish to be a state.[184] Still others would add the requirements of being a free agent in the world and having a permanently organized political society.[185] The Restatement of the Law, Third, Foreign Relations Law of the United States has the exact criteria as the Montevideo with the additional requirement that the entity in question must claim to be a state.[186] These additional requirements are useful in that they help to clarify the Montevideo criteria for statehood. However, the Montevideo criteria are the most widely accepted[187] and are the ones that will be applied to determine whether or not an entity is a state.
The criteria just keeps going but I don't think we need to dwell in it any further so our friend ATA ATUN should just go back to growing potatoes...
* Ata Atun has been directed here to this thread in case he wants to counter it.