miltiades wrote:In Paphos we called him Asklanihoja !! Here is one I remember. He borrowed a medium size casserole from neighbour and on returning it back he also returned a small saucepan , what is this said the neighbour , Oh Asklanihoja says , your casserole gave birth to a baby ! Well said the neighbour I'm on to a good thing here. Next day Asklanihoja asked to borrow the neighbour's donkey .The following morning he returned to the neighbour a small saucepan , whats this asks the neighbour and where is my donkey , well says Hodja it died giving birth !
in my version:..... The first time Hodja borrows the saucepan he returns it with a smaller one inside it. The neighbor asks, what is this? Hodja says oh! it just gave birth. The neighbor happily takes both home. After the second time the SAUCEPAN was borrowed from the neighbor, nothing was returned for a long time. The neighbor anxious, knocked on the Hodjas door ans asked for the saucepan/caserole back. Oh dear I have bad news for you, I am sorry but it died. The neighbor puzzled said, dont be silly how can a saucepan die?. Hodjas reply was, if you believe that it can give birth, then you ought to believe that it can also die!