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I give Paphos 5 years

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Postby hissyfits » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:29 pm

Sorry to say this but I think Cyprus has seen its boom with regards to tourism, rental markets and housing sales. It does not help that the flights are so expensive too. Years ago it was one of those destinations that everyone wanted to visit. The costas were no longer in fashion, heavily built and commercialised and now many of the tourist resorts in the south of Cyprus are going the same way. People are opting for the beauty of the many unspoilt Greek islands that offer exactly what people desire during their holidays at a much more realistic price. The reputation for Cyprus being expensive and full of rip of merchants is sadly often repeated.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:00 pm

Kifeas wrote:I suggest people that have any problems with restaurants, bars and hotels anywhere in Cyprus, relating to poor service, overhanging, or any other problem whatsoever, to report them immediately to the Cyprus Tourism Organization at 2269 1100 (preferably while they are still in Cyprus;) and the perpetrators of any such sort of unscrupulous practices will be fined and even taken to court to be closed down!

I second that.
As one born in Paphos I feel ashamed that a small minority ?? I dont know , are using sharp practices to cheat tourists.
Kifeas has posted the number and I will most certainly keep it in my diary.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:45 pm

Eliko wrote:
Kifeas wrote:I suggest people that have any problems with restaurants, bars and hotels anywhere in Cyprus, relating to poor service, overhanging, or any other problem whatsoever, to report them immediately to the Cyprus Tourism Organization at 2269 1100 (preferably while they are still in Cyprus;) and the perpetrators of any such sort of unscrupulous practices will be fined and even taken to court to be closed down!

Kifeas, don't be such a spoilsport, I like the topless barmaids Overhanging it's the only reason I go in to the bars that provide the service. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Has "Hooters" arrived in Cyprus yet.??

For one thing, their food is not their main attraction. :lol: :lol:
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Postby ge0rg10 » Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:38 pm

[quote="hissyfits"]Sorry to say this but I think Cyprus has seen its boom with regards to tourism, rental markets and housing sales. It does not help that the flights are so expensive too. Years ago it was one of those destinations that everyone wanted to visit. The costas were no longer in fashion, heavily built and commercialised and now many of the tourist resorts in the south of Cyprus are going the same way. People are opting for the beauty of the many unspoilt Greek islands that offer exactly what people desire during their holidays at a much more realistic price. The reputation for Cyprus being expensive and full of rip of merchants is sadly often repeated.[/quote]

seen its boom, its joining the euro, people in the EU will be able to buy property there without changing money. As for the expensive plane tickets, they are expanding the airport once this is done more planes will fly there so price will fall. cyprus boom hasnt started yet my friend.
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Postby hissyfits » Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:30 pm

I hope you are right but working in a travel agents and my colleages and I find it more and more difficult to get bookings for this area. There is just too much competition elsewhere. This is particularly true for families. People who have booked to go for years are suddenly looking elsewhere as they are either spending almost half for similar holidays or can go further afield on the same cost as Cyprus. Favourite comment "lovely but expensive to go there and expensive when you are there" Lots of holiday places use the Euro so you still will have the same problem - too much competition for you.
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Postby enigmatica » Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:15 pm

Geia sou, Hellooo my first time posting so be gentle with me. I have to say Cyprus is fast becoming a concrete jungle, i don't mind a few new houses but these are matchboxes and have no character, i prefer the old village style houses, quaint cobbles and almond trees, it would have been better to have stuck with the cultural style and retained its identity instead of becoming just another same old touristy destination.

Also to have encouraged people to populate the villages by promoting them and building or renovating existing styles with a modern interior. Then the villages would not die out, and all the traditions could have been kept and celebrated same as its always been done. Small communities of people whether they be ex-pat retirees or the older Cypriot generations as i am aware there is no work for the young but if people had more imagination and built up cottage industries, then people would visit again and again because of its peace, quaintness and authenticity.. I love the village life.

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Postby Roomy » Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:32 pm

The bottom will fall out of the housing market big style and they will be giving them away before long to entice people back, beer will sell for its real price of a few cents (supermarkets) and the lazy bastards will sweep the streets every once in a while and wash the stinking bins out.
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