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National Guard or National JOKE

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Postby devil » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:02 am


1. Please stop SHOUTING.

2. On ordinary guard duty, there is never a round in the chamber: cocking the gun to put one there can be done only as a deliberate action and is therefore a ½ second for reflection to avoid reflex triggering

3. If you are so proud of the Cypriot National Guard, why do you have a foreign flag as avatar? Show your nationalism with a Cypriot flag - or perhaps you are ashamed of your country?.
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Postby EPSILON » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:06 am

devil wrote:Oranos

1. Please stop SHOUTING.

2. On ordinary guard duty, there is never a round in the chamber: cocking the gun to put one there can be done only as a deliberate action and is therefore a ½ second for reflection to avoid reflex triggering

3. If you are so proud of the Cypriot National Guard, why do you have a foreign flag as avatar? Show your nationalism with a Cypriot flag - or perhaps you are ashamed of your country?.

The Cyprus flag is representing also, as you said, the other part of the famous "Cyprus Nation" (Tcs) how can the national guard has this flag against the cooperators of the invasion army?
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Postby oranos64 » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:18 am

devil wrote:Oranos

1. Please stop SHOUTING.

2. On ordinary guard duty, there is never a round in the chamber: cocking the gun to put one there can be done only as a deliberate action and is therefore a ½ second for reflection to avoid reflex triggering

3. If you are so proud of the Cypriot National Guard, why do you have a foreign flag as avatar? Show your nationalism with a Cypriot flag - or perhaps you are ashamed of your country?.

devi sorry pal ... i am writing code VIRTAUL WINDOW i cant always switch ...

the greek flag means two things for me

1 my family roots i have managed to trace are from southern greece on my fathers side ...(you would not believe how much research that took considering both TURKISH AND BRITISH POWERS DESTROYED FAMAGUSTA RECORDS )

2 I PREFER THIS FLAG AT THE MOMENT AS I A OFFICER AND I AM REMEMBERING THE SCARIFACE OF 20 ELYVK OFFICERS WHO DIED DEFENDING THE FREEDOM TOMB IN NICOSIA ...MODERN DAY SPARTANS AGAINST 500 TURKISH TROOPS .these guys swore to defend the outpost in memory of those who died under briish colonial rule cyp supplies no back up rather than surrender they died to the last ..a turkish cyp army officier called them the best example of soldiers he could ever encounter .....i salute them and i paid tribute two weeks ago to them at the nicosia cementary
3 ...since living here for the past 3 years ...every body and i mean everybody who i meet who has this flag outside there homes or business has been a gentleman and professional
it seems that the Right wing members of society are not facists but people who want to raise their children as modern citizens ..conduct business professionally ....learn and adapt to the new markets ..but above all else ..have family values ...
something i have not seen in the commie red flag waving types ...who i must admit have shown me the other side

welcome to cyprus - land of theives and liers is a book by an english officer in colonial times ....he wrote it in 1890 ...not much has changed ...
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:27 am


No offence meant man, but you sound miserable in Cyprus. So why choose to live there? Some of us, either by design or circumstance, found ourselves abroad and we realise we cannot now fit in the Cyprus way of life, so we choose to stay away until things change. What are you doing down there? Just curious.
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Postby EPSILON » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:34 am

Nikitas wrote:Oranos,

Some of us, either by design or circumstance, found ourselves abroad and we realise we cannot now fit in the Cyprus way of life, so we choose to stay away until things change. .

What a big trough is hiffen betwen above lines!!!How many of us can not affort to see our homeland in such a situation with Green lines and Turkish forces. How many of us deeply regret to see co-patriots to be convisted that they are not Greeks but just Cypriots. Yes some times to be far away is much better.
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Postby oranos64 » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:39 am

you must be joking i love the place ..people .the culture many changes ...i would never move back to the U.K ...i miss some friends but the key is NIKITA that i put my skills and time to help the people ask peterc many times he has seen me recently ..too busy ...

i am involved in training ,teaching ,stats compiling for the government ,local sports ..,health reseach ...and networking ..i date young ladies and i have a list of friends now ....

cyprus is what you make of it ...i am blessed ... i will eventually have a hand in the national guard and state police force ...i am already on first names with the national guard commander and on the state police force think tanks

i do most things for free ...the most important thing for me is to make cyprus into a utopia of crime free ,healthy citizens ..a dream a weird dream ..but it can be done ...check the emirates out ...

anyway off out to get some vitamins ....
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Postby bigOz » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:42 am

The "cooperators" of the "invasion army" (we in the North like to addres them as our security guests!) had/have no interest in occupying or attacking the rest of the island! Everyone by now must have realised that there is no military danger from the TCs or the Turkish army in the North (for political waffle purposes - they would never say it loud though).

It has not happened for the past 33 years and it will not happen ever again unless attacked first. That being the case, and everyone crossing freely to each other's side. DOES IT REALLY MATTER HOW GOOD THE NATIONAL GUARD IS? Does it matter if they are not exactly "Rambo"s and rightly "family boys" who may have the same fears of every young man of their age? In fact do any of you really believe it is the FEAR of Cyprus National guard that is stopping anyone from attacking or over-running the other side?

All of you! Come back down to earth please and stop worrying about the quality of soldiers National guard has. I remember when I did my national service in Kaymakli (early 80s), we were only 15-20 metres away from the national guard. During my sentry duties I did not even have the bullet magazine stuck in the rifle! That is how confident I was there was not going to be anyone firing at me and vice versa. Now you are arguing about the couple of young lads who should be given a medal for not shooting and killing a mental case! It's not as if their actions were detrimental to anyone is it?

Oranos, I did not fly any sorties in 90's and have no clue as to what you are talking about - I can shoot a moving mouse from 100 metres though! :D
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Postby oranos64 » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:47 am


you have 40000 heavily armed soldiers on the island then ...also threats....err a month ago your country men threathen cyprus over oil and gas drilling ....

the fact you did not have a bullet in the chamber ...yeah but you had the notion that the cyp NC would never invade but defend their bit as best as they can no fear

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Postby Southerner » Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:08 pm

Eliko wrote:Clint Eastwood and his like have often managed to dis-arm sentries at knife-point in the small hours.

At least the assailant did not take homicidal advantage and has probably done the services a favour by exposing laxity in the ranks.

The guard may have been a young man who's morale was at a low ebb on account of the futility of his duties, his assailant, an older man possibly on a mission of bravado attempting to highlight the futility.

All the military posturing along the borders is a complete waste of time since the Turkish forces could take the whole island in jig time, settle down lads, it is unlikely to happen. :wink:

I think that it was a plot by the western coalition forces.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:32 pm

First posting by Oranos that I have agreed with

No way should the 'soldiers ' have lost their weapons

First rule ...(any ex servicemen will know what I mean)
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