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Talat The Biggest Lying partitionsit that ever existed in Cy

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:23 am

humanist wrote:Zan
What an absolute crock of shit...really.

You are doing all you can to bend every little bit of history mate. How can you stand there and not feel any shame about making it seem as if all the people that voted yes to the Annan Plan knew what was rreally going on and all those that voted OXI did as well. The propaganda behind those statements are just so obvious that I would blush from now until Christmas

The reason that TPap and his puppet state of "RoC" will not talk to TCs is because of the real story of what happened in Cyprus will get out and he has done every thing he can to stop it. That I am afraid is not working anymore because he did not bank on those of us abroad. We are spreading the word my friend and you cannot hide behind those lies any more..The "RoC" is not for us and has not been designed for us. It is a Greek state in which we can only protect our identity with special provisions in the constitution and our own area to live in. History has taught us that and is now teaching the rest of the world. This is not about trust although you are fast losing our trust, but about insurances...It has been recognised that that is what is needed by the UN and the EU and you can get as many resolutions you want but I am positive that right will win.

You are most welcome to my crock of shit eat and enjoy.

I am not ashamed of anything I have said. There is no propaganda whatso ever I am happy to show my face and stad for all that I have said on this bloomin forum Are You? The agreement was that there was to be no labelling or pressure withthis referendum. The Turkish Cypriots voted Yes because they felt they could benefit with a so re-unification proposed under the AP. The Greek Cypriots voted No because they felt they woould have lost. End of story if you see propaganda in that that is precisely your interpretation.

The RoC is NOT a puppet State, at all it is a recognised country, and it is a member of the EU. Hardly a puppet regime like the one you are supportng.

I stand by my coments above. Who to talk too. Talat or Ankara.

We too in the diaspora are talking about what the trnc is all about, Turkeys attempt to make the so called trnc part of its territory and am illegal occupation of Cyprus. One that a nation of 70 million people and a strong army has forced upon a small Island nation that ended in blood shed and loss of life. So stop calling me friend because we are far from being friends. My friends do not share a separatist view or ideology.

The Roc is a State that you deny each day except when it suits you, oil money, health, education, employment, access to EU. The RoC is there for all Cypriots who choose to live there and support it.

In true Turkish Cypriot style you are now dictating to me that I have to trust you. Well trust is a two way thing and your leaders actions selling off his country not to mention mine are not a way to gain trust. I do not trust Talat as far as I can throw him and that ain't far. He is a traitor selling out not only his country but also his comaptriots country and denies them the freedom not only to their properties but to thewir country. Each and everyday you and your vile leader violate my human rights.

We obviously have different beliefs in what is right. You poor sod of an individual you fail to see that unity is not abut winning or loosing is about coming together. Something that you have no idea about. So stop accusing me of propaganda you unethical, hateful individual.

I call you friend and this is the thanks I get for it :evil: 8) 8) 8) 8)

If you can sit there and take all the tricks and illegal activities of the "RoC" and still agree with this puppet state and even try to sell it to fellow Cypriots than you are no better than a drug dealer or some pimp my friend.

Cyprus should not have gone into the EU or any other organisation without the full and democratic presence of the TCs contingent. The fact that it chose to makes it a puppet state and an illegal entity. The UN and the EU can only act as the situation sees fit and the trick that Makarios played all those years ago still is being used to keep us under siege.

This trick was to get the UN to recognise the GCs as the government by using the Akritas plan. They created a situation for the UN to intervene and this created the situation in which the UN could only come in if it was asked to do so by the government of the island. Because Makarios had already got rid of the TC contingent he was free to declare himself as the government of Cyprus and the UN had no option but to except. This is now the puppet government of Cyprus that claims to represent all of us. It is not my government and you are standing by it without even understanding the tricks that were played to put you where you are today. If that is the sort f person and Cypriot you are then you can keep your puppet government. I will have nothing to do with it.

Now put all that together and try to understand why the "RoC" will never go back to the Zurich agreement. You are flogging a dead horse my friend...Your government does not want what you want...Now what will you say about what you are trying to sell. You want one thing while your government wants another. If you really want unification will you stand by me and tell the "RoC" to dissolve so we can form a proper and legal government....What do you say???

I am going to work now so please PM me if you would like work together. :wink:
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:25 am

Georgio, your statement is very cynical and it really does pose a major question.Would people maintain a problem just so that they can be permanently appointed as potential problem solvers? A horrifying thought, could it be true? Hmmmm
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:34 am


Your position depends on one factor that is simply not there anymore, that Greece is actively seeking to annex Cyprus through trickery and that this desire is permanently there, if not express then hidden and will come to the surface in the right circumstances.

Things have changed. Greece has not the slightest interest anymore. Has not had interest in Cyprus in years. The common defense area doctrine has been practically abandoned, the joint exercises etc of the past are now simple map exercises just for the benefit of the press. Not that the press is all that interested, there has not beena major article on Cyprus in months, if not years. There is plenty of direct and implied evidence of this. Being stuck on a presumed policy that does not exist is hampering a solution and detrimental to your side too.

A small indication of how things are these days. Greece the major merchant sea power of the world does not have one single merchant shipping line connecting Greece with Cyprus.
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Postby DT. » Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:15 am

halil wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Mustn't forget that it was Papadopoulos who sent an urgent letter to Koffee Annan in December 2003 begging him for a solution plan because "if Cyprus was to enter the EU without the problem solved we would be heading for europartition".

Of course he was gambling on Denktash to reject the plan (as he did) but by the time of the referendum Talat was calling the shots in the north. Papadopoulos bluffed and he lost and we are suffering for this. Many Greek Cypriots are beginning to realise this at last and in a panic, Papadopoulos has asked from lackeys to start throwing punches below the waste and thus, anyone who is against him is now branded as a Turk who speaks with a Greek voice. This man has taken us decades back and those that cannot see this are simply playing willingly his anachronistic game that may save him but will undoubtedly mean the end of Cyprus.

P.S. It is not true that Turkey did not concede a point. For a start the army would leave in a given space of time bar 350 soldiers. Then Famagusta along with Morphou would have been returned to their lawful inhabitants together with some 40 or so villages. Now doubt, the next plan will be worse, but of course we will not accept it, just as we rejected all plans since 1959. We prefer the situation to remain as it is because we are fools enough to believe that in due course the balance of power will change in our favour.

DT , my dear friend ,Bananiot gave u some part of it. İf it was me telling this it will be propanda for u. first of all u must get rid off from this from yours mind any thing ,anybody say is Turkish propaganda or Turk who speaks with a Greek voice. things will be change suddenly. u will open your mouth towards the sky.

Bananiot is mistaken in his approach and I have never agreed with my friend even though i respect him greatly.It doesn't matter if Turkey decides to leave 1 soldier or 1,000,000 soldiers. 10 minues by hercules is all it will take to bring them all back again. Why should my country aN EU member state have foreign troops on it in the 21st century? As for Famagusta and Morphou, these are points that have been agreed since the beginning of the talks in the 70's. The list of what we officially give up in that plan is too long and i get too bitter everytime i write it. As i said before whether it was Tpap purposely not negotiating or other not allowing him and creating an uneven board to play it matters little...what does matter is that the AP was a travesty and i prefer to live this way than that.

Halil old mate, you are not one to say that i should be more open minded. When was the last time you supported something from the "other"side even when i know it made sense to you?
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Postby EPSILON » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:15 pm

Nikitas wrote:Zan,,

Your position depends on one factor that is simply not there anymore, that Greece is actively seeking to annex Cyprus through trickery and that this desire is permanently there, if not express then hidden and will come to the surface in the right circumstances.

Things have changed. Greece has not the slightest interest anymore. Has not had interest in Cyprus in years. The common defense area doctrine has been practically abandoned, the joint exercises etc of the past are now simple map exercises just for the benefit of the press. Not that the press is all that interested, there has not beena major article on Cyprus in months, if not years. There is plenty of direct and implied evidence of this. Being stuck on a presumed policy that does not exist is hampering a solution and detrimental to your side too.

A small indication of how things are these days. Greece the major merchant sea power of the world does not have one single merchant shipping line connecting Greece with Cyprus.

Correct and through statement. Greek politicians like A Papantreou and D.Mpakogianni are leading the position that Greece must get out of Cyprus problem,even by impossing an Annan Plan.

Maybe we can understand the reasons of been patronated by Americans but what is not understandable is the behavor and no reaction by the bif Cypriots community in Greece. We are speaking about thousands of people having a vote right but they do nothing , they request nothing exempt to make some memory activities to rember their lost villages and cry.

There are political parties in Greece with the 1/3 of supporters than the number of Cypriots living here.Despite this no serious activity is noticed for 33 years now.

Cypriots should not request intervansion and help from Greece they should demand same. Is Greek governments obligation against the almoast 1million Greeks living in Cyprus.
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:25 pm


Sorry to dash your dream but we Cypriots living in Greece do not have the right to vote. I have been here 32 years and still have to line up at the police department every five years to renew my residence permit. As a non Greek I cannot vote or stand for elected office except for the Euro parliament elections and even then the conditions are so overladen with buraucracy that they effectively rob me of that right.

I do not know our numbers in Greece, but they are not many. I would place it the number at less than 30 000. The other foreign communities, Albanians, Bulgarians etc are much more numberous, and they receive much more attention than us in the press and media.

Like I said, Greece considers itself lucky to be rid of Cyprus. See for instance how in this election campaign the word Cyprus has not been uttered once by any politician of any party. We have till September 16 although my forceast is that we are not going to hear it till then either.
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Postby EPSILON » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:33 pm

Nikitas wrote:Epsilon,

Sorry to dash your dream but we Cypriots living in Greece do not have the right to vote. I have been here 32 years and still have to line up at the police department every five years to renew my residence permit. As a non Greek I cannot vote or stand for elected office except for the Euro parliament elections and even then the conditions are so overladen with buraucracy that they effectively rob me of that right.

I do not know our numbers in Greece, but they are not many. I would place it the number at less than 30 000. The other foreign communities, Albanians, Bulgarians etc are much more numberous, and they receive much more attention than us in the press and media.

Like I said, Greece considers itself lucky to be rid of Cyprus. See for instance how in this election campaign the word Cyprus has not been uttered once by any politician of any party. We have till September 16 although my forceast is that we are not going to hear it till then either.

My friend is long time now, more than 15 years when a law allowed all Cypriots in Greece to obtain a Greek citizenship without to loose their Cyprus one.

All my Cypriots in Greece voting long time now. You must recheck since at least will allow you to avoid to be in gue with Albanians, Turks etc for a work permission.
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:43 pm

My wife is going through the nationality process now. It takes months, and is complicated enough to need a lawyer's assistance. So the vote is not for Cypriots living in Greece, but for those who have become naturalised Greeks. I am not going to do that.

I am a stubborn Cypriot donkey. I take that term to heart, in fact I think that in our future flag we should have a donkey, it will be a symbol showing that we are confident enough to laugh at ourselves a little. It is really the most representative symbol of ourselves, hard working, stubborn, unique, and tough enough to survive even a "peace operation that left many donkeys without owners" as the tourist brochures in the north tell the tourists!
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Postby EPSILON » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:53 pm

Nikitas wrote:My wife is going through the nationality process now. It takes months, and is complicated enough to need a lawyer's assistance. So the vote is not for Cypriots living in Greece, but for those who have become naturalised Greeks. I am not going to do that.

I am a stubborn Cypriot donkey. I take that term to heart, in fact I think that in our future flag we should have a donkey, it will be a symbol showing that we are confident enough to laugh at ourselves a little. It is really the most representative symbol of ourselves, hard working, stubborn, unique, and tough enough to survive even a "peace operation that left many donkeys without owners" as the tourist brochures in the north tell the tourists!

Dear Nikita, allow me to insist. I have a Greek Passport as well a Cyprus one. I have the Greek citizenship and Cyprus one as well.

To tell you a funny story, the last time I went to Alexandras avenue 15 years ago to obtain my last work permit, I was waiting in the line and front of me was a Turkish woman with her small boy. I bacame very angy to be considered as foreigner like a Turk and i passed all the line shouting to the person in charge that I will not accept to wait like I am of other Nationality. Fortunately for me the person was a very good guy, he was laughing and told me that this was my last time to request a permit since the law allowing us to get the citizenship would be voted in two months. He was right- i never need such a thing again. The good thing was that i did not retun to the line, he gave me a priority!!!!!
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:11 pm

I will check it out and see if my claiming nationality will speed up my wife's application too.
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