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Talat The Biggest Lying partitionsit that ever existed in Cy

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby humanist » Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:24 pm

away from your arguments ,
some arguments about 5 th september meeting...........................
President Mehmet Ali Talat is continuing to meet with representatives of political parties with seats in the Repubic’s Assembly to exchange views on his coming meeting with the Leader of the Greek Cypriot Administration- Tassos Papadopoulos.

Speaking to the press after his meeting with the President yesterday, the UBP Leader Tahsin Ertugruloglu said he had conveyed his worries to the President about next week’s meeting with the Greek Cypriot leader.

Mr Ertugruloglu expressed the view that the Gambari process is a wrong process which only served the Greek Cypriot Side’s delaying tactics on the Cyprus issue, adding that the time passing through this process works against the Turkish Cypriot People.

‘This wrong process will be maintained further with the leaders’ meeting on the 5th September. However, no one should perceive our approach on the issue as if we do not want a solution’ he added.

President Mehmet Ali Talat later received representatives from the TDP.
The TDP Leader Mehmet Cakici said he doesn’t believe that a conclusion will be drawn from the leaders’ meeting but that he is hopeful about the setting of a time-table for negotiations process in the future.

He underlined the view that the Greek Cypriot Administration is not in a hurry for the solution of the Cyprus problem, as long as Turkey continues its journey for the European Union membership.

President Talat also received representatives from the Freedom and Reform Party this afternoon.

Tomorrow, he will meet with representatives from the Republican Turkish Party.

halill, could you lease let us know how the so called dellaying tactics you refer too above, are detrimental to Turkish speaking Cyriots? Thank you. I would like to hear a Turkish speaking Cypriot perspective.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:25 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:b) Yes I would trust your copies if you attended last year, but surely 40 years ago there were no Xerox machines therefore I cannot trust your handwritten notes.

My ass we trust anybody's "notes" especially Murataga's and I couldn't care less if he lectures at uni let alone study... big deal!
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:28 pm

Sotos wrote:I think photocopiers existed 40 years ago. But I don't think Murataga would know how to use one :lol:

:lol: Sotos strikes again!
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Postby Murataga » Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:31 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Murataga wrote:Please go back and read carefully what is written in this thread about these documents by myself. There also exists an offer there which no one has yet answered. Feel free to address it.

Obviously because nobody is interested in offering you a prize for something you should've supplied in the first place called EVIDENCE every time you make a claim.

You mean supplied like this - from opinionated GC resources masked as U.N. documents? ... &start=300

I on the other hand took notes from the original hardcopy documents which you probably haven`t seen for once in your life.

Get Real! wrote:I can't for the life of me understand why you still go on about this when the CyProb "rules" are very clear, understood, and observed by everyone else. Would you like me to do a democratic poll to sort this out once and for all? ie:

"Should a CyProb debater not have to supply evidence to his/her claims?"

...or if you like...

"Should everyone just take Murataga's word for any political claims he may make regardless of how crazy they may sound?"

Take your pick! :)

The issue here is not my political claims, but the SG report quotes which you are trying to deny - with silly claims like they have "faulty" English. You ask for full original copies of 50 page documents dating back 40 years yet you quote from them without doing the same. Even at this I did not question your quote and explained/discussed with you what it meant. For the fourth time - are you planning to reciprocate any time soon?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:00 am

I personally haven't gone thru the llast 10+ pages as there was a lot of blah blah that made me dizzy. I just saw somewhere a quarrel about 3-4 UN documents..... I may have bothered about them if I was given a link right from the start.
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Postby Murataga » Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:30 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Murataga wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Tut tut tut...

I have not even mentioned the word "cancer" out of politeness.
I have already wished you are OK... and what did I receive in return?:shock:

The relevance is if you attended university 40 years ago I cannot trust your hand written notes unless I see the full documents or copies of them (in image format)

Remember you were claiming similar distortions in the past until I found a hard copy of the document and showed to you.

Here's by post:

Pyrpolizer wrote:The concept of political equality was always targeted by the TC side to justify partition.
On the other hand the GC side said, sure, in a Federation you will have the political equality you want. To avoid any misunderstanding the concept of THIS Political equality within the Federation was clarified thus:


So Murataga, the concept of Political equality will come from the fact that we accepted Federation (as cleearly defined by the UN) and NOT because you have any politically equal seperate country, otherwise the UN would define it as such.

This kind of post was really unnecessary. I didn`t claim that YOU used that information against me yet somehow you found it offensive. Anyways - check your PM so we don`t get tangled up in this any further.

What I claimed in the past was political equality per U.N. and beacuse you wrote here what political equality per U.N. is you are claiming to have found out a "distortion". By the way, what you gave above contains nothing but what you youself wrote/quoted. Please provide the exact link so that everyone sees that I defended political equality per U.N. in the begining and stood by it to the end.

As far as:
The relevance is if you attended university 40 years ago I cannot trust your hand written notes unless I see the full documents or copies of them (in image format)

I am having a difficult time making sense out of this. So if I attended university 40 years ago you cannot trust my hand written notes unless you see the full documents or copies of them (in image format) but you can if I attended lat year? Anyways... Please go back and read carefully what is written in this thread about these documents by myself. There also exists an offer there which no one has yet answered. Feel free to address it.

a)On the contrary. When you were making claims for political equality you were making those claims as if you were a separate country. Go back and see for yourself. Up until that day you were not claiming political equality as explained/clarified by the UN, you were saying the UN says we must be politically equal, therefore if it says so, this means we are politically equal as a separate country ALREADY. These were the sort of sophistries you were doing in the past....

Did I? Well, than I am anxiously waiting for you to point me to this exact statement of mine.

Pyrpolizer wrote:b) Yes I would trust your copies if you attended last year, but surely 40 years ago there were no Xerox machines therefore I cannot trust your handwritten notes.

So let me get this straight... if I typed my hand notes of the original documents with some old machine and scanned them on to the computer, we would not be having this conversation. Instead I am speaking honestly of how I acquire them and you defy that they are real. About right?

Deep 8)
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:07 am

Murataga wrote:You mean supplied like this - from opinionated GC resources masked as U.N. documents?

Ok, well thanks to Erol I now have a copy of United Nations Operation in Cyprus document S/6426 from which I quote these relevant sections…


1.I have the honour to submit to the Security
Council this report on the United Nations Operation in Cyprus,
covering developments from 11 March to 10 June 1965, and bringing
up to date the record of United Nations activities under the
mandate laid down by the Security Council in its resolution of 4
March 1964 and subsequently extended (see chapter 1,section B).


106.The Turkish Cypriot leaders have adhered to
rigid stand against any measures which might involve having
members of the two communities live and work together, or which
might place Turkish Cypriots in situations where they would have
to acknowledge the authority of Government agents. Indeed, since
the Turkish Cypriot leadership is committed to physical and
geographical separation of the communities as a political goal,
it is not likely to encourage activities by Turkish Cypriots
which may be interpreted as demonstrating the merits of an
alternative policy. The result has been a seemingly deliberate
policy of self-segregation by the Turkish Cypriots. The
Government contends that the hardships suffered by the Turkish
Cypriot population are the direct result of the leadership's
self-isolation policy, imposed by force on the rank and file. The
Turkish Cypriots assert that these hardships are designed by the
Government to pressure the Turkish community into submission and
to destroy politically and that Turkish Cypriots are at one in
their determination to resist.

Sorry Murataga, you fought hard and well but this battle is also over. 8)
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Postby phoenix » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:19 am

Get Real! wrote:
Murataga wrote:You mean supplied like this - from opinionated GC resources masked as U.N. documents?

Ok, well thanks to Erol I now have a copy of United Nations Operation in Cyprus document S/6426 from which I quote these relevant sections…


1.I have the honour to submit to the Security
Council this report on the United Nations Operation in Cyprus,
covering developments from 11 March to 10 June 1965, and bringing
up to date the record of United Nations activities under the
mandate laid down by the Security Council in its resolution of 4
March 1964 and subsequently extended (see chapter 1,section B).


106.The Turkish Cypriot leaders have adhered to
rigid stand against any measures which might involve having
members of the two communities live and work together, or which
might place Turkish Cypriots in situations where they would have
to acknowledge the authority of Government agents. Indeed, since
the Turkish Cypriot leadership is committed to physical and
geographical separation of the communities as a political goal,
it is not likely to encourage activities by Turkish Cypriots
which may be interpreted as demonstrating the merits of an
alternative policy. The result has been a seemingly deliberate
policy of self-segregation by the Turkish Cypriots. The
Government contends that the hardships suffered by the Turkish
Cypriot population are the direct result of the leadership's
self-isolation policy, imposed by force on the rank and file. The
Turkish Cypriots assert that these hardships are designed by the
Government to pressure the Turkish community into submission and
to destroy politically and that Turkish Cypriots are at one in
their determination to resist.

Sorry Murataga, you fought hard and well but this battle is also over. 8)

Tip toe, with lots of trepidation. . . I really should not be in this thread, but I just could not resist a peak. . .

HURRAH! Well done, GR! Fine work, pop the champagne :lol:

Pip pip
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Postby humanist » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:41 am

if the like of Murataga lecture at uni ....... Cyprus is is in deep shit and it can never swim out of it.
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Postby Murataga » Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:48 am

Get Real! wrote:
Murataga wrote:You mean supplied like this - from opinionated GC resources masked as U.N. documents?

Ok, well thanks to Erol I now have a copy of United Nations Operation in Cyprus document S/6426 from which I quote these relevant sections…


1.I have the honour to submit to the Security
Council this report on the United Nations Operation in Cyprus,
covering developments from 11 March to 10 June 1965, and bringing
up to date the record of United Nations activities under the
mandate laid down by the Security Council in its resolution of 4
March 1964 and subsequently extended (see chapter 1,section B).


106.The Turkish Cypriot leaders have adhered to
rigid stand against any measures which might involve having
members of the two communities live and work together, or which
might place Turkish Cypriots in situations where they would have
to acknowledge the authority of Government agents. Indeed, since
the Turkish Cypriot leadership is committed to physical and
geographical separation of the communities as a political goal,
it is not likely to encourage activities by Turkish Cypriots
which may be interpreted as demonstrating the merits of an
alternative policy. The result has been a seemingly deliberate
policy of self-segregation by the Turkish Cypriots. The
Government contends that the hardships suffered by the Turkish
Cypriot population are the direct result of the leadership's
self-isolation policy, imposed by force on the rank and file. The
Turkish Cypriots assert that these hardships are designed by the
Government to pressure the Turkish community into submission and
to destroy politically and that Turkish Cypriots are at one in
their determination to resist.

Sorry Murataga, you fought hard and well but this battle is also over. 8)

Apparently we are having a difficult time in communicating here. So I`ll help you find your own way out of this:

1) Where and when did I ever claim your quote to be false although at no point until erolz posted it here you had the original/complete SG report ?

2) Did I not consider your quote to be factual at all times and explained to you what it meant, to which you have still made no reply?

3) Did you, until erolz posted it here have the original/complete report ? And although you did not, did/do you ask me to make quotes if I can only provide the original whole SG report?

4) Is what you just posted above and what erolz provided, NOT SCANNED FROM THE ORIGINAL + NOT COMPLETE + AND ONLY IN DIGITAL TYPING (WHICH COULD BE PREPARED BY ANYONE WITH A KEYBOARD), hence according to the criteria you are putting ahead of me is unqualified ?

There is no fighting, there is only you humiliating yourself but take your time because I am really enjoying it 8)
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